What We Believe
By John S. Torell
This magazine, The Dove, is now almost ten years old
(1986) and it has become a voice crying in the wilderness. It was born
through the prompting of the Holy Spirit and has been sustained through
prayer and the faithfulness of God’s people. In order to do the work of
Jesus, we must ask ourselves, “What did Jesus say and do when he walked on
this earth?” Our answers are found in the New Testament where Jesus taught
His disciples what He wanted them to do. We are told to be the light of
the world (Mathew 5:14-16); we are told to be the salt of the earth
(Matthew 5:13). To be the light of the world, we have to show the world
what is morally right and define sin to the unbelievers. Salt at the time
of Jesus was used as a preservative and we are to preserve goodness, grace
and mercy in the world until Jesus comes back. To be a light and to be
salt moves the Christian from the four walls of his church building into
politics, local government, school boards and into the battle against
pornography and abortion.
But Jesus’ most important mission was to tell a dying
world that He could save them from eternal punishment in the Lake of Fire.
Evangelism is what this is called and evangelism is the centerpiece in the
Christian outreach. That is the reason in every issue of The Dove we
always include a way to be saved and receive Christ as your personal Lord
and Savior.
Jesus was also concerned about life on this earth after
a person becomes saved or is not longer lost. In Matthew, Chapter 10,
Jesus sent out His disciples to cast out demons, to heal the sick and to
destroy all manner of disease. In the gospel of Luke, Chapter 4, verses
18-21, Jesus told the people in the synagogue that He had been anointed to
preach the gospel to the poor, to heal the brokenhearted, to set the
captives free, to heal the blind and to set at liberty them that are
Casting out demons and setting God’s people free from
demonic bondage is part of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Recently I came
across an article dealing with a specific type of demon called, “Arrested
Development.” It was written by Pastor Rudy LeBlanc from America’s House
of Prayer in Northridge, California. Despite the fact that I have been
praying for the sick and casting out demons since 1971, I had never heard
of this type of demon. But I had come up against the problem in many
people. When we started to attack this demon of “Arrested Development”
some people who obviously had this problem began getting results.
I am very impressed with the article Pastor LeBlanc
wrote and feel that this is a teaching for the entire body of Christ, both
in our own country and in the many nations to where The Dove is sent. So
please read this article prayerfully and ask the Holy Spirit to give you
an understanding of it.
Spirits of Arrested Development
By Pastor Rudy LeBlanc
There has been very little said on the spiritual,
physical and mental development of our children pursuant to Biblical
principles. Since most of us were never scripturally trained or nurtured
by our parents, we can hardly expect perfectly trained children.
However, biblical discipline in the lives of ourselves
and our children will help build the character of God in us and our
descendants as well. The process of training our children in the nurture
and admonition of the Lord begins when the child is in the womb, right
after conception. At that time, the father can pray over the mother’s womb
and speak words of life to the unborn child. He can do this by reading
scripture, comforting the new life, and welcoming it as a great prize to
the family and not as an intruder. When the child is born, the process is
continued. Both parents should take a strong role in instructing the
Therefore my people are gone into captivity,
because they have no knowledge: and their honourable men are famished,
and their multitude dried up with thirst. Isaiah 5:13
Our goal must be to fill them with Jesus at an early
age. If our parents were negligent in training, instructing us in the
character of God, we can now change the cycle for our descendants!
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when
he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
All children are important in God’s eyes, even those
that are still in the womb. Parents are responsible for the education and
instruction of their children, not schools or government as many find
comfort in believing. If parents perform their biblical responsibilities
toward their children, when the temptations of the world come, the
children will be able to take a firm stand against those temptations as
the character of God has been ingrained in them. Our obedience in training
our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord will result in a
child who now can independently respond to all temptation from Satan with
Timothy 3:14-17)
Satan is also interested in our children, he likes to
get them young, working against both parents and children to get them off
the righteous track (John 10:10). The devil comes to steal, kill and
destroy. God warns us that the Devil is dangerous. We are not to run from
him, but respect the danger he presents.
A woman of 36 attended a healing and deliverance prayer
meeting five years ago with her mother. This woman's mother was
instrumental as a dedicated prayer warrior in setting her daughter free
from many demonic difficulties.
As a child the daughter had been dedicated to Satan's
work in a ritual by her father, a respected professional businessman who
was deeply involved in witchcraft unbeknownst to his wife. A demon
manifested in this woman stating that as a little girl she had been placed
in a coffin as part of the ceremony of dedication. Although the father was
in the sight of God, the spiritual covering and protector of his child, he
was the very one who opened her to demonization. These cruel demons
quickly began their work of destruction both in the child and her mother.
Torment and suffering is not new to them, for they had increasing problems
over the years.
After attending a few services at America's House of
Prayer and learning about deliverance, the loving mother began to pray
deliverance for her daughter at home. The daughter slowly began to
improve. One of the most spectacular breakthroughs that she received was
deliverance from a ruling spirit called "Arrested Development."
It took the mother five hours of intense deliverance
prayer, constantly pounding the demonic kingdom with all that she knew
about spiritual warfare, to break her daughter free of this mean
taskmaster. The breakthrough was not accomplished until all the supporting
demons, or underlings as we like to call them, were cast out prior to this
session of prayer.
We are now going to summarize what the prince of
arrested development said under the intense pressure of deliverance
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of
your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode
not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a
lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
John 8:44
We preface this by saying that demons are liars, and
are not to be consulted or considered authoritative. However, we gleaned
enough useful information from this demon that many successful
deliverances in open sessions followed.
The function of this demon is to arrest development in
a young person, always bringing them back to age 13 and younger. He claims
to have authority over homosexual spirits for they enter before age 13. He
claims to have authority over spirits influencing a girl to be a tomboy to
please her father, the demon will stir up the desire through the spirits
passed on by ancestral curses, or may enter by molestation, incest, or
even rape.
The lesbian spirit is under the control of arrested
development and begins to operate at the age of 13. This powerful demon
claims the lesbians and homosexuals are really 13 years old. The demon is
also called the chronic prince of arrested development.
The demon involved in the deliverance of the woman
mentioned above wanted to kill her in the womb. Therefore he tried to
bring he back to age zero where she was floating in the womb. He also
operated through suffocation, drowning, choking, obstruction of breathing,
difficult pregnancy and crib death. He tried to have her put things
hastily in her mouth, so she would choke on candy and food.
In general the person infested by these demons will age
normally on the outside but be immature on the inside. Arrested
development spirits claim to be sent by Satan personally. The demon stops
progress past age 13 and brings the victim to any age it wants from zero
to 13. The effects are devastating. At age 13 a person's too young to work
and can't hold a job. The victim is unable to deal with the problems of an
adult, becomes a job hopper and unreliable.
The arrested development spirit does not hinder the
person from learning in school or affect the person's studies. But, as in
the case of the woman who got deliverance, the spirit would not allow her
to make plans for marriage or have children; for at 13, you are too young
to marry or even date. It would make her cry like a two year old and
embarrass her. The spirit got this woman to be skinny like an eight year
old and influenced her to dress like a boy, be sloppy, unkempt, slouch,
and walk like a boy. The spirit operated to frustrate the woman by urging
her to take a part-time job after school. However she was unable to cope
with it due to the insecurity of being 13 years old. Most persons with
arrested development are unable to marry, but even if they do it does not
last. Thirteen is even too young to babysit. The person's always waiting,
waiting till next year.
The demon claimed to be able to enter anyone that has
demons already. He makes them take drugs to be passive and sleep for hours
at a time. He has a prjnce and a deputy who lives in the mind of the
person to make sure that they do not advance past age 13. At age 36, this
woman who experienced the deliverance was prevented from thinking past age
13. Even her professor at the university she attended stated that she
acted like 19 going on 13.
Note that retarded persons are not immature. They work
and some get married. They are slow learners and are hindered from
learning by disabilities, but they do not have arrested development.
Those who collect dolls and stuffed animals as
grown-ups are arrested in their development. They do childish things such
as playing with toys on their desks when at work. The demon also causes a
person to drink. It causes a person to have temper tantrums in order to
have their own way. A drug user will have arrested development, unable to
solve daily problems.
Also those that run a lot and feverishly exercise all
the time have arrested development. Actors and actresses have arrested
development. They act like 13 or younger. They are fickle and cannot stay
married. Thirteen year old's are unable to make decisions when shopping.
Even cooking and cleaning is a problem for them as they still want to be
dependent on someone and will sometimes marry a person that will fill this
A range of behavior characterizes a person with
arrested development; the demon causes a one year old to scream for
attention. A two year old screams, throws temper tantrums and also puts
things in his or her mouth. At nine years old the child may be attracted
to a molester. At eleven he causes the girl to be scrawny and gawky
looking. At twelve years old he embarrasses her because of her periods and
emphasizes any ugliness in her body. The demon makes the young girl
believe that she is dirty and will never be able to clean herself.
Arrested development has many friends in prisons and he
causes the criminal to go back on the streets and commit the same crimes
again. Arrested development manifests in the person to keep their
understanding at age zero to ten. Such persons are unable to learn from
experience. Arrested development has a ten year old cousin called Chronic
offender. A related spirit too is anorexia nervosa which causes anorexia
between ages zero to eight. The girl doesn't want to grow up and have a
period, face the responsibilities of life and the world.
Arrested development spirits operate in the mind. As
believers we are to take the authority of Jesus Christ and cut across the
network of demonic communication giving the wrong signals to our mind,
will and emotions. As we receive deliverance from these spirits, we can be
free of their influence and bondage. Arrested development demons are a
grouping of demons recently exposed in deliverance prayers and this is not
an exhaustive study of demonization. By the world's standards most
psychiatrists would diagnose arrested development as a mental disease and
prescribe medication and therapy.
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I
understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I
put away childish things. I Corinthians 13:11
Parents have the responsibility of allowing their
children to grow up.
"Speaking like a child." We all know adults
and parents who speak like children and many act foolish and
"Understanding like a child." There are many
people with no scriptural knowledge who ignorantly continue in their
"Thinking like a child." These people find it
difficult to react to the conditions around them. They are unable to
participate in life, so many are not sociable outside their small circle
of friends.
By faith Moses, when he was born, was hid three
months of his parents, because they saw he was a proper child; and they
were not afraid of the king's commandment. By faith Moses, when he was
come to years. refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter;
choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to
enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; Hebrews 11:23-25
Pharaoh's daughter received Moses when he was three
months old. She proceeded to have his real mother nurse him. Exodus
2:7-10. Yet Moses had enough of the proper scriptural training in the
short time he spent with his mother that it superseded his formal Egyptian
training to become in all probability the Pharaoh of Egypt.
Even single mothers are able to raise godly children;
an example of this was Timothy who was raised by his godly mother and
grandmother; these women were spiritual giants approved by the Apostle
Paul. Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers and later was raised up
to be a mighty, wealthy and influential ruler; yet could not forget the
godly influence of his father Jacob and mother Rachel and scriptural
Surely I have behaved and quieted myself as a
child that is weaned of his mother: my soul is even as a weaned child.
Psalm 131:2
Even a child is known by his acts, whether or not
what he does is pure and right. Proverbs 20:11
A child's acts may show signs of stubbornness and
rebellion and the possible need for correction. Jesus loved the little
children and warned us not to stop them trom coming to Him.
But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer
little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the
kingdom of God. Luke 18:16
This can be taken to mean that parents ought not to
hinder their children from coming to Jesus. To facilitate this, the
parents need to teach scripture daily and give needed correction. Jesus
himself astonished the wise men with his knowledge. The education of our
children is our responsibility. Yet most parents tall short of this
responsibility; there has been no scriptural discipline or correction and
very little of the word of God taught to children.
Withhold not correction from the child: for if
thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt beat him
with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell. Proverbs
If parents do their job, God makes them a promise that
their children will not die. If we want better lives for our children,
then we need to regularly practice correction of children. Single parents,
you may also find help in correcting your children through the pastor and
elders of your church who are obligated to help you with their education
and discipline.
Parents, if there is something you don't like in your
children, you may have the same problem. Correction may have to start with
you. (The fruit rarely falls far from the tree). Most of us can see our
parents in us, for good or bad.
The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left
to himself bringeth his mother shame. Correct thy son and he shall give
thee rest: yea, he shall give delight unto thy soul. Proverbs 29:15,
What all parents want is for their children to do well,
respect them and experience abundant peace in every area of their lives.
Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest
they be discouraged.
Colossians 3:21
This is a warning to all parents to not allow anger to
control you in the correction and discipline of your child. As a parent,
you are not to push your child beyond his capacity. The training is in the
hands of the parents.
From which some having served have turned aside
unto vain jangling: Desiring to be teachers of the law; understanding
neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm. 1 Timothy 1:6-7
A prayer for all parents: Lord forgive us and forgive
our parents for the negligence of not correcting and disciplining us
according to your word. This neglect has affected our lives even to this
day. Teach us Lord and show us in our lives how we can raise our children
in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, so that the character of God
may be deeply entrenched in us. That no matter what life brings across our
path, we will stand firm in the Lord. As our parents protected us, we are
now to protect our children. Lord we accept your rod of correction in our
lives. (Proverbs 23:13)
For more information on this subject, see
Christian Dynamics Course 1.
Further information on Spiritual Warfare can be found
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Berean: Various Subjects and The Bible's Answers
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