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Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on GETHSEMANE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE LAST PASSOVER - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE ROAD TO SALVATION - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on PARABLE OF THE TALENTS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE TEN VIRGINS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on BEING READY FOR JESUS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on AS THE DAYS OF NOAH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE SECOND RETURN OF CHRIST - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on FALSE CHRISTS AND PROPHETS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE PROSECUTION OF TRUMP - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor Charles M. Thorell - sermon on GRIEVING THE HOLY SPIRIT - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE GOSPEL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on DESTRUCTION & PERSECUTION - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on PRETENDED HOLINESS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on RELIGIOUS HYPOCRISY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on RELIGIOUS HYPOCRISY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on WHAT TIME IS IT? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on COMMUNION - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on MANY ARE CALLED, FEW ARE CHOSEN - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on WARNING TO THE RELIGIOUS LEADERS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on CURSING THE FIG TREE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on RIDING INTO JERUSALEM - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on ASKING JESUS FOR A HEALING - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE FIRST SHALL BE LAST - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE EYE OF THE NEEDLE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE VALUE OF CHILDREN - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on DIVORCE AND REMARRIAGE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on JUSTICE AND PRAYER - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on TAXES AND OFFENSES - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on LIFE AFTER DEATH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on MOSES, ELIJAH, AND THE LUNATIC - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on FOLLOWING JESUS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on BEWARE OF THE LEAVEN - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on ISRAEL AND THE PROMISED LAND - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on FEEDING THE MULTITUDE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE CANAANITE WOMAN - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on AGENTS OF SATAN - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on WALKING ON WATER - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on MIRACLES AND THE SPIRIT WORLD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on UNBELIEF VS FAITH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on MUSTARD SEED AND LEAVEN - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on SPIRITUAL BLINDNESS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE STRUGGLE BETWEEN JESUS & LUCIFER - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on DOUBTING JESUS' SANITY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE SPIRIT WORLD IS LISTENING - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on BLASPHEMING THE HOLY SPIRIT - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on INVITATION FROM JESUS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on TRACING THE DEVELOPMENT OF EVIL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE GREAT COMMISSION - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE COMPASSION OF JESUS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on JESUS' LIFE ON EARTH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on STANDING DEFIANTLY IN GOD'S WAY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on RAISING THE DEAD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE PARALYZED MAN - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE DEMONIAC - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on EAGLE OR TURKEY? - Resurrection Life of Jesus ChurchPastor John S. Torell - sermon on LEPER & CENTURION - Resurrection Life of Jesus ChurchPastor John S. Torell - sermon on WHO CAN BE SAVED? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on PENTECOST - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on JUDGING - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on GOD WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on PRACTICAL INSTRUCTIONS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on PRACTICAL INSTRUCTIONS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church  Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE UGLINESS OF DIVORCE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on LET'S TALK ABOUT SEX - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE ATTITUDE OF YOUR HEART - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE SEXUALITY OF THE ANTICHRIST - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE ATTITUDE OF YOUR HEART - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on SELECTING APOSTLES - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE BIRTH OF JESUS' MINISTRY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor Angello Tina - sermon on FACING THE LAST DAYS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE ARRIVAL OF JESUS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on INDEPENDENCE LOST - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on FREE, BUT STILL SLAVES - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE UNSTOPPABLE GOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE NOOSE TIGHTENS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on UNCERTAIN TIMES - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor Bill Chacon - sermon on I AM A MIRACLE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE GREEK CENTURY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE END OF PERSIAN RULE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on A LAST MESSAGE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on INVITING GOD INTO THE BOX - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE LAST PROPHET - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on FORTY YEARS OF PROSPERITY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor Charles M. Thorell - sermon on ARE YOU SERVING JESUS? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor Charles M. Thorell - sermon on DO YOU LOVE JESUS? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor Charles M. Thorell - sermon on DO YOU KNOW JESUS? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor Charles M. Thorell - sermon on LITTLE IS MUCH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on SIN CREEPS BACK - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on NEHEMIAH BUILDS THE WALL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on PAGAN WIVES - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE MAN OF GOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on GOD WILL PREVAIL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE RETURN TO ISRAEL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE LAST WAR - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on GOG'S ARMY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE ZIONIST CONNECTION - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE CURSE CONTINUES - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on GOD'S AVENGING ANGELS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE STORY OF TAMMUZ - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on TWO HELL TEACHINGS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on DON'T IGNORE GOD'S WARNINGS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on CALLED FROM THE WHIRLWIND - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE FOUR BEASTS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE FOUR KINGDOMS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor Charles M. Thorell - sermon on DESTROYING THE WORKS OF THE DEVIL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor Charles M. Thorell - sermon on WHEN GOD REACHED DOWN - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor Charles M. Thorell - sermon on RESTING ON JESUS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor Charles M. Thorell - sermon on WHAT IS YOUR PERSPECTIVE? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE JEWS IN BABYLON - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE DOOMED REMNANT - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor Charles M. Thorell - sermon on GETTING RID OF FEAR - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor Charles M. Thorell - sermon on DON'T LOSE YOUR JOY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE KINGS OF JUDAH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE KINGS OF JUDAH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE KINGS OF JUDAH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE KINGS OF JUDAH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE KINGS OF JUDAH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE KINGS OF JUDAH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE KINGS OF JUDAH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE HELL GOSPEL CONTINUED - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE HELL GOSPEL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE KINGS OF JUDAH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE KINGS OF JUDAH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE KINGS OF JUDAH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE KINGS OF JUDAH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE KINGS OF JUDAH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE KINGS OF JUDAH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE KINGS OF JUDAH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE KINGS OF JUDAH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE KINGS OF JUDAH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE KINGS OF JUDAH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE KINGS OF ISRAEL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE KINGS OF ISRAEL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE KINGS OF ISRAEL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE KINGS OF ISRAEL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE KINGS OF ISRAEL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE KINGS OF ISRAEL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE KINGS OF ISRAEL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE KINGS OF ISRAEL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE KINGS OF ISRAEL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on SPOILED BRAT AND AN IDIOT - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on SOLOMON'S APOSTASY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on LIES, INCEST & MURDER - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE BATTLE FOR DAVID'S SOUL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on A NEW KING - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE DEMISE OF KING SAUL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on A GOOD START - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on CHAOS ENGINEERING - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on VALLEY OF DECISION - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on PRINCE OF ISRAEL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE SLIPPERY SLOPE OF IDOLATRY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on ETHNIC CLEANSING - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on EMPTYING THE TRASH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on A COLOSSAL MISTAKE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on BETRAYAL HURTS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE DEATH MARCH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on YOU WRITE YOUR OWN TICKET - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on MIRACLES DON'T PRODUCE FAITH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on GOD HAS EMOTIONS TOO - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on WALKING CLOSE TO THE EDGE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on MISSION IMPOSSIBLE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on GOD'S GUIDANCE & PROVISION - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on CROSSING THE SEA - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on DIVINE MILITARY CAMPAIGN - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on ACTIVATING THE DELIVERER - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on WHEN ALL SEEMS LOST - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on SUFFERING FOR GOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on FINDING FAVOR WITH GOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on MOVING TO EGYPT - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on DOUBLE TROUBLE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE SHAKING HAS BEGUN - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on A BRIDE FOR ISAAC - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on LUCIFERIAN MEDDLING - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on RESISTANCE BY LUCIFER - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on A REVERSED VIEWPOINT - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on CREATION OF HUMANITY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on VIRTUAL TIME RUN - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on VIRTUAL TIME RUN - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on DESTRUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE SPIRITUAL DIMENSION - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on RESISTING TEMPTATIONS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on TEMPTING JESUS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on WHAT IS COMMUNION? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on JESUS vs. KABBALAH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on JESUS & JOHN THE BAPTIST - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on JESUS TIME IN EGYPT - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on JOSEPH AND MARY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE NEW CREATION - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE NEW JERUSALEM - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGMENT - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE FINAL WAR - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE MILLENNIUM - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on JOY IN HEAVEN AND HELL ON EARTH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE RAPTURE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on HELL FROM ABOVE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE RAPTURE HOAX - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on WAR AGAINST THE SAINTS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE SURVIVING REMNANT - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE BEGINNING OF SORROWS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on PARTY TIME IS OVER - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on ORDER OUT OF CHAOS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE ILLUMINATI AND FREEMASONRY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on GEORGE FLOYD AND RACISM - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on RESTORING THE EARTH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE GREAT SPACE WAR - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE REALITY OF THE SPIRIT WORLD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on ABRAHAM'S SELFISHNESS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE ULTIMATE TEST - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on 40 YEAR FAITH JOURNEY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on WAVERING FAITH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on JUDGMENT FROM GOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on LIFE AFTER THE FLOOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on FAITH TO DESPAIR - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on FEAR, JUDGMENT & REPENTANCE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on LIVING AMONG FALLEN ANGELS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on DISTRUST AND REJECTION - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on LIVING IN THE SUPERNATURAL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on SURVIVING THE ANTICHRIST - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor Charles M. Thorell - sermon on THE CORONA VIRUS | COVID-19 - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor Charles M. Thorell - sermon on FAITH INSPIRES ACTION - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on PREPARING FOR THE ANTICHRIST - Resurrection Life of Jesus ChurchPastor John S. Torell - sermon on BEAST CONTROL SYSTEM - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on TELEVISION & TWO PROPHETS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE BEAST & THE KABBALAH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on IDENTIFYING THE ANTICHRIST - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on LIVING IN FORGIVENESS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on FORGIVE & FORGET - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on BODY, SOUL & SPIRIT - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on WHERE DOES SICKNESS BEGIN? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE BAPTISM OF JOHN - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on WHO IS THE HOLY SPIRIT? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on LIFE AFTER PENTECOST - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on SPIRITUAL POSSESSION - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor Charles M. Thorell - sermon on MAKING THE RIGHT CHOICE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE FINAL DAYS WITH JESUS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE RESURRECTION - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE ATONEMENT - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE CRUCIFIXION OF JESUS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE TRIAL THAT NEVER WAS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on ARREST & TRIAL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on GETHSEMANE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE FINAL PREPARATION - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church     




Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE ARREST OF JESUS - Resurrection Life of Jesus ChurchThe late-night quiet in Gethsemane came to an abrupt end as the motley crew led by Judas arrived to arrest Jesus. The traitor shamelessly greeted the God-man with a kiss to mark him for the soldiers. The enforcers from the high priest experienced a dose of supernatural power when they sought to confirm whether Jesus was the man they wanted. The God-man’s verbal response was filled with divine power that knocked them backwards to the ground.

Peter was carrying a sword and he struck out at Malchus, but the clumsy blow only managed to cut off the man’s ear. Jesus immediately told Peter to sheathe the sword because they were vastly outnumbered. Seeing Jesus submit caused the apostles to run away in fear. The God-man was alone. This was the opportunity Satan had been seeking and it wasn’t going to be wasted as Jesus was about the face the greatest challenge as God incarnate. Continue >>


john s. torell, isis, islamic state of iraq and syria, the ugly face of islam

The country is currently aflame with emotions from the recent school shooting at a Parkland High School in Florida. Millions of children are skipping school to protest this recent mass shooting. The media is fanning the flames and the call for gun control is echoing from city to city. Lawmakers on state and federal levels are perplexed because they have never had thousands of children show up and demand they outlaw guns in America. Is this a genuine spontaneous response to the shooting in Florida or is there an unseen hand guiding the emotional outpouring? Continue >>

The adherents to Islam would have you believe it is a peaceful religion but that is far from the truth. Islam is nothing but the bloodthirsty spawn of the Devil. There is a war taking place on earth and in the heavens. The purpose of this reference library notebook provide protection and understanding for you and your family. Continue >>

After many years of deliverance ministry and observing first-hand the desperation of people who have come for help, I have been able to identify a common denominator that pervades age, gender, and life experiences in those seeking to be set free from demons. Soul damage is the one thing these people seeking help have in common and it can occur moments after conception and any time throughout a person’s life on earth. This might be a new concept but any type of trauma to a person will damage their soul and opens the door to sickness in the body. These traumas are a legal way for demons to enter the body since evil spirits are always associated with fear. In this article I want to share what the Holy Spirit has revealed to me over the years concerning soul damage. The church is weak today because it has not understood weighty spiritual matters and the purpose of this article is to share how you can have the abundant life Jesus promised. Continue >>

Pastor John S. Torell - message on STEPPING ON THE DEVIL - SPIRITUAL BARNACLES & HOLY ANGER - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County; spiritual barnacles; holy anger

During my first five years as a Christian in Southern Baptist churches, I was never told of the power Jesus gave to His disciples. The end result was that I was a victim to sickness, depression, and worse of all, I viewed myself as a loser that was just trying to hang on. When I was set free from demons and baptized in the Holy Spirit, I suddenly went from a victim to being a victorious Christian. But over the years I became like an old boat picking up barnacles and gradually began to slow down because of the drag. You will take notice if you are loaded down with 100 lbs of barnacles all at once, but if they are put on one at a time, you may not even be aware that they are even there until much later. Continue >>

Ted Pike dropped a bombshell when he publicly disclosed that his wife had committed suicide after a lengthy spiritual battle. This hit home with Pastor John as he has dealt with similar attacks from Satan over the years and knows that if you're going to combat the devil, it is essential to know your adversary. Satan has been defeated and sentenced to the Lake of Fire but he is still a dangerous enemy with a sophisticated organization that is staffed by fallen angels, devils, demons and evil spirits who have been organized according to human nations on the earth. Every nation has a demonic prince or archon that rules through a chain of command much like the military. Continue >>

The people in Ephesus had converted to Christ from the worship of Diana and the apostle Paul was concerned with how the new Christians were going to live in a decadent pagan society. The temple of Diana was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world and it was in this setting that the Paul spent three years organizing a church and carefully outlined the basic doctrines of the Christian faith. He explained how God is eternal, Jesus is the Son of God and how predestination fits into our lives. Paul also explained how we are born into the kingdom of Satan and why we are transferred by salvation into the kingdom of God.

Salvation is the cornerstone of Christianity and Paul was emphatic in stating that it only comes by faith and cannot be earned. He called for the believers to live a life worthy of their calling and introduced many concepts that were foreign in idol worship. Paul explained what took place at the resurrection of Jesus and how new believers will be resurrected as well. He instructed them on how to set up church leadership in what has been termed the five-fold ministry and also shared God’s desire for us when it comes to interaction between family members and co-workers. Continue >>

The Kaballah Series: Exposing the Hidden Secrets of the future World Government - John S. Torell

Have you ever wondered what motivates the people who make up the World Government? What religion do they embrace? This is important because religion is a foundational building block behind every political movement. It is true of Communism, Nazism and Fascism. Do you know that all three of these violent movements have the same religion? Furthermore, it is the same religion that inspired these Satanic movements which is also the religion of the people in the World Government. This series of booklets uncovers the hidden secrets of Satan's shadowy World Government from its inception, tracing its development and what it means for us today and into the future. Continue >>


As Christians, our most important duty is to share the Gospel with the unsaved because hell is receiving new people every moment! As C.T. Studd once said, "Some want to live within the sound of church or chapel bell; I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of hell." Later on in his life, he added, "God has called me to go, and I will go. I will blaze the trail though my grave may only become a stepping stone that younger men may follow." At least 150,000 people in the world will die everyday, almost all of them will end up in hell, and the sad part is that they aren't even aware of it. Just as someone shared the Gospel with you, it is up to you to share the Gospel with someone else, their eternal soul is at stake! When we die, we either go to heaven or hell, it's that simple. Even as you are reading this, someone has died and gone to hell. If you are reading this and don't know if you're saved or not, please take the time to do so, it will be the most important decision you will ever make!



Do you know that you have a Heavenly Father that loves you very much? If your earthly father has never told you that he loves and cares for you, then let your Heavenly Father do so through the Bible. Listen and read along as he shares his love letter with you.



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Christian Dynamics Course 1: Salvation, Deliverance and Healing - John S. Torell“My husband has locked himself in the bathroom and is going to kill himself!” These were the frantic words spoken by a friend named Glenda as I was ready to enter a Southern Baptist Church on a Sunday morning in 1970 in San Rafael, California. My heart almost stopped as I heard these words because Jim was the worship leader in the church and a staff member at Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary where I was a first year student. They were really good friends to my wife and I and now he was going to kill himself? As a young Christian, I knew very little about spiritual warfare and wondered how I could save my friend. Continue >>



The Strecker Memorandum DVD - Dr. Robert B. StreckerDr. Robert B. Strecker practices internal medicine and gastroenterology, he is a trained pathologist and holds a Ph.D. in pharmacology. Dr. Strecker and his brother, Ted, were preparing a proposal for a HMO and needed to know the long-term financial effects of insuring the treatment of AIDS patients. The information they uncovered was so startling and hard to believe that it would dramatically alter both their lives and lead them on a five-year quest culminating with the creation of The Strecker Memorandum video. This is a very strange story, but one that must be taken seriously by the governments of every nation in the world because the AIDS virus is lethal. Continue >>



Many times we speak lightly of our own "cross" or "persecution," but brother Yun has experienced unbelievable persecution, including torture and imprisonment. At the same time he has also experienced unbelievable grace and miracles. And in a paradox that continues to confound, he describes how the true church actually flourishes amidst persecution. Instead of focusing on the many miracles or experiences of suffering, however, Yun prefers to emphasize the character and beauty of Jesus. Continue >>



Howard Pittman - Author of Demons: An Eyewitness Account; Placebo; The Covert War; The Day Star; The Mystery Demon; Son of Perdition; The Curse of the Lord; The Secret Agent; Phoebe's StoryHoward Pittman has a clear message for the church: Wake up! Learning from his near-death experience of facing an angry God for how he had been living his Christian life, which had been been excellent in human standards, Pittman warns believers of the danger of falling into the same trap. God's special task for him is in unveiling the tactics of Satan and his demonic forces. One secret to victory in this life is learning how to deal with the enemy. Continue >>



A Wonderful Life - Warren SmithFive years after writing Deceived on Purpose, former New Age follower Warren Smith continues to reveal how Christian leaders wittingly or unwittingly are leading the church into a spiritual trap. Smith examines church metaphors, concepts, and beliefs that are essentially the same as those being used in today's New Age teachings. Continue >>



Beginning in the 1990’s and up through 2004, John S. Torell wrote a number of articles published in The Dove magazine that brought out a lot of information on Judaism, the birth of the Zionist movement and its historical steps that had been suppressed by the media and ignored by the Christian leadership in colleges and seminaries. Continue >>



The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America reveals changes that were gradually brought into the American public education system work to eliminate the influences of a child’s parents (religion, morals, national patriotism), and mold the child into a member of the proletariat in preparation for a socialist-collectivist world of the future. This is a straight shooting book that tells the whole truth and should be mandatory reading for elected officials. Continue >>



Teaching Series on the Prophet DanielYou may have heard Pastor John mention this booklet in a his sermon (RLJ-1176) as he addressed the historical facts and cultural settings, but most of all, the message from God. Daniel was chosen by God to lead the people of Israel at a time of crisis when the nation was in upheaval, a large number of the people had been forced into captivity in a foreign land and sin was rampant. Continue >>



Would you like to be in perfect health? No more unnecessary illness, no serious disorders, just a glowing of health and happiness? This book is a remarkable, life-changing guide to good health, based on the dietary laws found in the Bible. It was born out of Elmer Josephson complete nervous and physical breakdown and this book is the culmination of years of private research and study. Continue >>



Early in January 2009 the Holy Spirit moved upon Pastor John to preach on the political state of Israel from a biblical point of view in order to shed light on the Zionists and their Christian supporters. From its creation in 1948, the State of Israel has been hailed as a fulfillment of Ezekiel’s prophecies, but why would God need men to lie, cheat, kill and destroy to accomplish this task? Continue >>



Xenogenesis is the production of an offspring entirely different from either of the parents, transformed though the addition of DNA from an alien or animal to the normal genetics of a human being. The results will be comic book super-heroes come to life, living creatures with mythical abilities unlike anything mankind has seen for thousands of years, which were inspired by the ancient legends of gods and goddesses. Continue >>



This Bible features the Reina Valera 1960 with the King James in a two column format which allows you to read the English and Spanish scripture side by side with the words of Jesus in red. Continue >>


The Bible is under attack from all sides. Satan knows it tells the truth about him, the victory that Jesus had at the cross, and what will happen in the future. As such, Satan has and still is making every attempt to destroy the Word of God. What better way to do this, than to change the meaning of the Bible over time with different bible versions; each version as it comes along claiming it is the truth and the most accurate of all the versions up until that point. Continue >>


The Fundamentals were compiled to combat the liberalism known as "higher criticism" that was starting to blend into Christianity and is still around today. R.A. (Reuben Archer) Torrey was educated at the Universities in Europe and early on in his studies was pronounced to be a "higher critic," but before he had completed them, he was convinced of the falsity of his views and swung gradually back to old conservative doctrines.  Torrey became a most bitter foe of liberalism the rest of his day, he was hopelessly orthodox. The Fundamentals are the legacy of written articles that he and others have left us. Continue >>




THE DOVE MAGAZINE - The Dove is representative of the Holy Spirit leading us into all truth - Pastor John S. Torell - read testimonies and article on truth

The Dove magazine is representative of the Holy Spirit leading us into all truth.





Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on FESTERING WOUNDS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on SOUL DAMAGE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE DEVIL'S MESSIAH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on CREATION OF SATAN - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on SATAN'S ACE IN THE HOLE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on JESUS & ENOCH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE BEAST SYSTEM - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE ROAD TO JERUSALEM - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE KABBALAH & JUDAISM - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on PREPARING FOR THE FALSE MESSIAH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on GOD'S MESSIAH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on BELIEVING A LIE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on LIARS IN THE CHURCH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on PARTNERING WITH THE DEVIL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on BLINDED BY GOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on DROPPED INTO HELL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on OUR FRIEND JESUS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on GOD'S BEST IN YOUR LIFE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE COST OF DISOBEDIENCE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE POINT OF NO RETURN - Resurrection Life of Jesus ChurchPastor John S. Torell - sermon on LIVING UNDER THE ANTICHRIST - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on MORE DECEPTION - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE GREAT DECEPTION - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor Charles M. Thorell - sermon on LIVING IN THE CRUCIBLE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor Charles M. Thorell - sermon on SEEING WITH GOD'S EYES - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor Charles M. Thorell - sermon on BE BOLD FOR THE LORD! - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor Charles M. Thorell - sermon on ARE YOU A MISSIONARY? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE ALTAR OF SATAN - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on FEEDING THE HUNGRY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on EARLY LIFE OF JESUS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on RAISING THE DEAD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on LOVING THE PARIAH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE FIRST MIRACLE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE FOUR GOSPELS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on SHAPING THE FUTURE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on FACING DEATH & THRIVING - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on DANIEL'S RISE TO POWER - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on TRIAL BY FIRE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on SHOWDOWN ON MOUNT CARMEL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on ASKING FOR THE MIRACULOUS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on LIVING IN THE PAST - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE SNARE OF THE ANTICHRIST - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE COMING WORLD RELIGION - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on DEFINING THE ANTICHRIST - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on OBEDIENCE & FAITH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on ANOTHER WATER MIRACLE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on TRANSFER OF POWER - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on DIVINE JUDGMENT - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on LOSING THE LAND - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on REBELLION LEADS TO CURSES - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on BOND SLAVE OF JESUS CHRIST - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on WATER & WAR - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on FAITH & SPIRITUAL POWER - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on WORSHIP IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on WALKING WITH THE FATHER - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE BIBLE AND THE FATHER - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on LOVE WITHOUT MEASURE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE WILL OF THE FATHER - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on JESUS AND THE FATHER - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on FORGIVENESS & MERCY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on HOW TO BE SET FREE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE ROOT OF HOMOSEXUALITY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on JESUS REVEALED THE FATHER - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on KEEPING YOUR SOUL HEALTHY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE FOUR STAGES OF LIFE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on HEALING FROM BAD MEMORIES - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on SATANIC MIND CONTROL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE INNER MAN - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE BRAIN AND THE SOUL - Resurrection Life of Jesus ChurchPastor John S. Torell - sermon on THINKING WITH YOUR SOUL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on STANDING IN THE LAST DAYS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor Charles M. Thorell - sermon on POWER & PERSECUTION - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor Charles M. Thorell - sermon on LIVING IN CHRIST - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor Charles M. Thorell - sermon on GOD WANTS A RELATIONSHIP - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor Charles M. Thorell - sermon on YOU ARE IMPORTANT TO GOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on REMOVING SOUL DAMAGE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on SINFUL SOUL VS. DIVINE SPIRIT - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on WHAT IS A SOUL? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on KEEPING THE FAITH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THINKING SUPERNATURALLY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on PROTECTION FROM THE ANTICHRIST - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on MANNA IN THE END TIMES - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE DAWN OF THE ANTICHRIST - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE MYSTERY OF INIQUITY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on WHAT IS HOLY GHOST POWER? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE STORY OF PENTECOST - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on HOLY GHOST POWER - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on FIRE FROM ABOVE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on DESPAIR TO VICTORY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE MODERN CHURCH VS. JESUS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on SATAN'S FINAL SHOTS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on SUPERNATURAL INTERVENTION - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE NEW CREATION - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGMENT - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE FINAL WAR - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE MILLENNIUM - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on JACOB'S TROUBLE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE RETURN OF KING JESUS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on LEAVING THE EARTH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on ROAD MAP OF THE END TIMES - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on PREPARING FOR HEAVEN - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on WHAT HAPPENS AFTER DEATH? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on JESUS OR THE ANTICHRIST? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE THIRTEENTH TRIBE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE DEVIL'S MASTER PLAN - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on WASTED YEARS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE RELIGIOUS ROMAN EMPIRE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on VICTORY IN BAD TIMES - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on NO CHURCH THIS SUNDAY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on SATANIC HOLIDAYS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on 400 YEARS OF TERROR - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE WORLD BEFORE ADAM - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on SATAN'S CHALLENGE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE ROAD TO THE PAPACY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on DESCENT INTO APOSTASY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on SATAN JOINS THE CHURCH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on LIES FROM THE DEVIL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE HISTORY OF THE NEW TESTAMENT - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on TAMPERING WITH THE OLD TESTAMENT - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on TRUE & FALSE CONVERSION - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on WHEN WILL THE RAPTURE TAKE PLACE? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on GOING ON THE OFFENSIVE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on RAISING AN ARMY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on STARTING FROM SCRATCH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on FIGHTING SPIRITUAL STRONGHOLDS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on INVESTING FOR ETERNITY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on WHAT DOES GOD WANT FROM YOU? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE FAITHFULNESS OF GOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on PROTECTING YOUR EMOTIONS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on NEGATIVE EMOTIONS WILL MAKE YOU SICK - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE FINAL CHAPTER - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on BITTERNESS IS DEADLY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on DON'T GIVE UP! - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE LIVING AND THE DEAD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on FAITH AND LOVE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on DAVID THE PSALM WRITER - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on GOD'S CALL ON KING DAVID - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE FOUNDER OF ISRAEL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE FOUNDER OF ISRAEL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on JOSEPH'S STRUGGLE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on WRESTLING WITH GOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on RUNNING FROM SLAVERY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on HATED BY GOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE LIFE OF ISAAC - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE ETERNAL GOAL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE TESTING OF ABRAHAM - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on OBEDIENCE LEADS TO FAITH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE DEFINITION OF FAITH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on ARE YOU READY FOR PERSECUTION? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on SINNING WILLFULLY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on COMING BOLDLY TO THE THRONE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on OBAMA: FORERUNNER TO THE ANTICHRIST - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE TABERNACLE AND THE TEMPLE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE SECRET RELIGION OF THE ANTICHRIST - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE NEW COVENANT - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE END OF THE LEVITICAL PRIESTHOOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County  Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on A STRONG FOUNDATION - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on ETERNAL SECURITY IN CHRIST - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE FOUR COVENANTS OF GOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on GOD HATES BACKBITING - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on ENTERING GOD'S REST - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on WORKING WITH THE LORD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on TAKE HEED! - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on JESUS AND THE ANGELS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on JESUS IS THE CREATOR - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on WHO IS YOUR NEIGHBOR? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on CAN I TRUST GOD? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE LOVE COMMANDMENT - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on JESUS AND MARRIAGE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on DIVINE GUIDANCE FROM JESUS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on JESUS AND YOUR HEALTH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on JESUS AND YOUR WALLET - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on ARE YOU CONNECTED TO JESUS? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on DOES GOD REALLY CARE? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor Bill Chacon - sermon on OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - Bible study on THE PERMISSIVE WILL OF GOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - Bible study on THE CIRCUMSTANTIAL WILL OF GOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - bible study on RECLAIM WHAT THE DEVIL HAS STOLEN - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor Charles Thorell - sermon on THE LOST SON - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor Charles Thorell - sermon on THE LOST SHEEP - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor Bill Chacon - sermon on THE SIMPLICITY OF THE GOSPEL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on EXERCISING YOUR KINGDOM RIGHTS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE TWO KINGDOMS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on FACING THE IMPOSSIBLE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE RISEN JESUS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on HEARING FROM JESUS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on ARE YOU A FRIEND OF JESUS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on JESUS THE RESTRAINER - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on A GLANCE AT THE MINISTRY OF JESUS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on A GLANCE AT THE MINISTRY OF JESUS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE COMPASSION OF JESUS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on HOW JESUS RELATED TO WOMEN - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on ALYNN PIKE'S DEATH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on DEMONIC MANIFESTATION - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on WHO IS THE DEVIL? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor Scott Lively - sermon on THE GLOBAL THREAT OF HOMOSEXUALITY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Jim Miller - sermon on WHEN EVERYTHING SEEMS BROKEN - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on JESUS IS COMING BACK! - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on PREPARING FOR THE MARK - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE MARK OF THE BEAST - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE ENFORCER - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE DREAMER - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE MAN THAT WALKED INTO THE FUTURE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE MAN THAT FLOATED AWAY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on LIFE BEFORE THE FLOOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE MAN THAT NEVER DIED - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE THIRD MAN OF THE HUMAN RACE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on WHAT IS FAITH? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE OLD TESTAMENT - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on NO MORE COMPROMISE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on WHAT DO WE DO WITH THE GENTILES? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on BREAKING AWAY FROM JUDAISM - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE JEWISH MINDSET - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on WALKING IN HOLINESS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on DELIVERANCE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on ARE CURSES FOR REAL? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on WHAT IS THE WORD OF GOD? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on WAS THE POWER OF JESUS TRANSFERRED? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on ARE EVIL SPIRITS FOR REAL? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on FORGIVENESS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on BETRAYAL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on A Dysfunctional Family - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on ABSOLUTES ABOUT THE RESURRECTION - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on PERSECUTED WITHOUT A CAUSE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on ARE YOU EASILY OFFENDED? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE SIN OF THE JEWS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE ROOT OF BITTERNESS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on PREPARING FOR LIFE UNDER THE ANTICHRIST - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on WOUNDS THAT HURT THE SOUL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE SECRET TO SUCCESS WITH GOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor Charles Thorell - sermon on EVEN SO, LET YOUR WILL BE DONE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE SECRET TO SUCCESS WITH GOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE SECRET TO SUCCESS WITH GOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on WHAT IS WORSHIP? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on NEVER SURRENDER TO THE DEVIL! - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE ARMOR OF GOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on BEING FOLLOWERS OF GOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on ESTABLISHING CHRISTIAN MORALS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE FIVE-FOLD MINISTRY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE FIVE-FOLD MINISTRY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE RESURRECTION OF BELIEVERS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE MYSTERY OF CHRIST - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on SAVED BY GRACE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE GREATNESS OF CHRIST - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE CITY & CHURCH OF EPHESUS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County


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Christian Dynamics Course 1: Salvation, Deliverance and Healing - John S. Torell

We Are Moving - John S. Torell

Israel, Iran, submarines, nuclear tipped missiles

Jim Miller - Singer & Christian Entertainer - Live Concert in 2011 at Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County mass murder, aurora, colorado Chrislam: Unholy Unity between Christianity and Islam

Pastor John S. Torell - message on OCCUPY WALL STREET - WHO IS BEHIND IT? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County; jan scully; uphold the law Pastor John S. Torell - message on MY TAKE ON 9/11 - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - message on THE FINAL FINANCIAL MELTDOWN? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - message on THE DEMISE OF THE AMERICAN ECONOMY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - message on GOD IS DESTROYING AMERICA - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - message on RALLYING THE TROOPS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County; Pastor John S. Torell - message on HOLDING BACK THE ANTICHRIST - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County; Pastor John S. Torell - message on THE GIFT OF REPENTANCE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County; judgments of God, repent, repentance, wars, occupations, drought, natural catastrophes, God's warning, selective judgment on America, Bible belt states, church on every corner, devastating fires, hurricane rita, hurricane katrina, floods, tornadoes Pastor John S. Torell - message on IS GOD JUDGING AMERICA? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - message on COMMUNION OR SEDER? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - message on THE TRAP IS ABOUT TO BE SPRUNG! - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - message on THE SCOURGE OF ISLAM - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - message on THE AGENDA OF THE WORLD GOVERNMENT - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - message on WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE EARTHQUAKE IN JAPAN? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - message on THE NOOSE IS TIGHTENING - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - message on THE MIDDLE EAST IN FLAMES - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County Pastor John S. Torell - message on WHAT IS NEXT IN EGYPT? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church: Carmichael, CA - Sacramento County

Pastor Charles M. Thorelll - sermon on THE HEART OF GOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on COMPASSION FOR HUMANITY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on NARROW IS THE WAY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on JUDGING & PRAYER - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on GOD & NATIONALISM - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on RESPECTING ONE ANOTHER - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on GOING THE EXTRA MILE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on TURNING THE OTHER CHEEK - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on DIVORCE & OATH TAKING - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on PORNOGRAPHY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on ENHANCING THE LAW OF MOSES - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on THE EIGHT BEATITUDES - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on THE OPPOSITION JESUS FACED - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on JESUS LAUNCHES HIS MINISTRY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church

Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on THE STAR GOSPEL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on ANGELIC PREPARATIONS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on 14 PROPHECIES ABOUT THE MESSIAH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on SEEING INTO THE FUTURE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on THE DARK SIDE OF SOLOMON - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on THE QUEEN OF SHEBA - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on BUILDING THE FIRST TEMPLE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on SIN VS. INTEGRITY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on THE LAST YEARS OF KING DAVID - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on THE EFFECTS OF GOD'S CURSE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on ADULTERY AND MURDER - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on GOOD INTENTIONS, COMPASSION & CRUELTY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on WICKEDNESS OF HUMANITY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on DAVID THE TURNCOAT - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on LIVING AS A FUGITIVE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on FROM SINGING TO KILLING - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on THE DEMISE OF KING SAUL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on THE PROPHET AND THE KING - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on DON'T MOCK GOD! - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on THE EARLY LIFE OF SAMUEL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church

Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on WHAT IS THE GOSPEL? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on A HUMAN TRAGEDY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on TRAIL OF DESTRUCTION - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on PAGAN CHRISTMAS TRADITIONS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on THE FIRST OF THE JUDGES - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on VICTORY TO ANARCHY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on DECEPTION LEADS TO WAR - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on NO PITY FOR GOD'S ENEMIES - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on VICTORY AND DEFEAT - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on TRUSTING GOD, NO MATTER WHAT! - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on THE TRAINING OF JOSHUA - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on ABRAHAM'S FAITHFUL SERVANT - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on LATTER YEARS OF ABRAM - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on EARLY YEARS OF ABRAM - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on NOAH AND THE FLOOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on EVENTS BEFORE THE FLOOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus ChurchPastor Charles M. Thorelll - sermon on LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! - Resurrection Life of Jesus ChurchPastor John S. Torell - sermon on CHOOSING TO SIN - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on WHY WAS MANKIND CREATED? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on THE CORRUPTION OF PAGANISM - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on DISCERNING THE MIND OF GOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on TRUSTING IN LIES - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on IMPENDING DISASTER - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on JUDGMENT WITHOUT MERCY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on EMOTIONS & CHOICES - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on FAKE REPENTANCE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on IDOLATRY IS ADDICTIVE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on  SET FREE FROM BONDAGE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on CONDUCTING SPIRITUAL WARFARE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on SATAN & EVIL SPIRITS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on A PROPER DEFENSE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torelll - sermon on A COVERT WAR - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on FAKE TRUTH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on ANGELS AND HUMANITY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor Charles M. Thorell - sermon on STRETCH YOUR FAITH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor Charles M. Thorell - sermon on GOD AND YOU - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor Charles M. Thorell - sermon on SPIRITUAL EFFORT - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor Charles M. Thorell - sermon on FEAR VS FAITH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor Charles M. Thorell - sermon on THEORY TO REALITY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor Charles M. Thorell - sermon on GOD'S TIMING - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor Charles M. Thorell - sermon on GOD'S WORD IS ETERNAL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor Charles M. Thorell - sermon on LEARNING TO BE PATIENT - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on FORGETTING GOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on AGE DOESN'T MATTER - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on DESIGNED IN ETERNITY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on GOD'S PROPHET TO JUDAH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on GOD'S PROPHET TO JUDAH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church

Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE RISE OF THE ANTICHRIST - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE TWO MESSIAHS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE MESSIANIC IDEA OF JUDAISM - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE SECRET RAPTURE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on FOODS THAT KILL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on DID JESUS HAVE A BIRTHDAY? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on REPENTANCE AND HEALING - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on SICKNESS AS A DISEASE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on EMOTIONS & DISEASE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE SILVER CORD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on BIBLICAL VIEW OF MAN - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on BENEFITS FROM OBEDIENCE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on GOD'S ASSURANCE PROGRAM - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on DYING HEALTHY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor Charles M. Thorell - sermon on BUILDING WITH GOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor Charles M. Thorell - sermon on GOD HAS A PLAN - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor Charles M. Thorell - sermon on GOD IS OUR SOURCE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on CURSED BY GOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on CURSES ARE REAL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on WHEN DISASTER STRIKES - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on PLAYING WITH FIRE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on RECYCLED BY GOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on REBUKING THE KING - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on PRAYER OF DESPERATION - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on JESUS & JERUSALEM - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on EZEKIEL'S DRY BONES - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE KABBALAH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on HOSEA AND THE WHORE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE WARNINGS OF AMOS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE WARNINGS OF AMOS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE SUFFERING MESSIAH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on GLORY OF THE PAST - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE ADAMIC SIN - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE ORIGIN OF SIN - Resurrection Life of Jesus ChurchPastor John S. Torell - sermon on REJECT TROUBLEMAKERS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on SHATTERED DREAMS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on VEGANS VS. MEAT EATERS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on LAW ABIDING CHRISTIANS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on SUBMIT TO CAESAR? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on CHRISTIAN CONDUCT - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on OVERCOMING EVIL WITH GOOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on LOVE & CORRECTION - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on ISLAMIC DOCTRINE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on WALKING IN THE SPIRIT - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on JEWS VS. GENTILES - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on IGNORANCE VS. STUPIDITY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on DOWN THE ROMAN ROAD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on DETERMINING YOUR FATE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on WILL THE REAL JEW STAND UP - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on SALVATION AND THE BOOK OF LIFE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on BENEFITS OF SALVATION - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on FAITH & HEALING - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on STRUGGLE AGAINST SIN - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on WATER BAPTISM - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE LAW OF DEATH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on COVENANTS & ATONEMENT - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE LOVE OF GOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on AVOIDING HELL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on JOURNEY OF FAITH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on VIOLENT CONFLICT - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on CIRCUMCISION & FAITH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE END OF JUDAISM - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on LIVING A DOUBLE LIFE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on SEXUAL IMMORALITY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on HEAVEN OR HELL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on OBEDIENCE OR REBELLION - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE CALL OF MAN - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE CALL OF MAN - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE CALL OF MAN - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on PRE-ADAMIC HISTORY - Resurrection Life of Jesus ChurchPastor John S. Torell - sermon on ANGELS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on ANGELS IN THE OLD TESTAMENT - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on ANGEL CIVILIZATIONS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on PRAYING FOR AMERICA - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on FORGIVENESS 101 - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on MERCY 101 - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on FAITH 201 - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on FAITH 101 - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on INTEGRITY 101 - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on IMPORTANCE OF TRUTH 101 - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on LOVE 201 - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on LOVE 101 - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: CLINTON VS. TRUMP - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on COVETING 201 - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on COVETING 101 - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on TRUTH 101 - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THEFT 101 - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on ADULTERY 101 - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on FORFEITING YOUR LIFE 101 - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on PARENTS & CHILDREN 101 - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on SABBATH101 - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on MORALITY101 - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on OBEDIENCE 401 - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on OBEDIENCE 101 - Resurrection Life of Jesus ChurchPastor John S. Torell - sermon on INTRODUCTION TO GOD'S CLASSES - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on WHO'S CALLING THE SHOTS? - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on PLANNING YOUR SPIRITUAL EDUCATION - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on PROPHETIC FUTURE EVENTS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on ANTICHRIST SECRETS REVEALED - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on PROPHETIC SIGNS OF THE FUTURE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on SEX & MARRIAGE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on GOD'S SEXUAL LAWS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on EIGHT BASIC DOCTRINAL STANDARDS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on UNCHANGEABLE BLESSINGS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE FRUIT OF A CHRISTIAN - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on RAISING THE BAR AGAIN - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE TEACHINGS OF JESUS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on ARISE, KILL & EAT! - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE TEN COMMANDMENTS CONTINUED - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE TEN COMMANDMENTS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on MARRIAGE & SODOMY - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on TRUE OR FALSE WORSHIP - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on NUMBERS DON'T IMPRESS GOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church  





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