A spell-binding thesis. The most
specific, accurate, and comprehensive overview of Jewish history and aspirations
available today.
Part 1: The Historical Roots of
Modern Judaism
Part 2: Beyond Survival: The Prophetic Destiny of Israel
Part 3: What Is Our Duty to Israel Today?
This book explains how the ancient
Pharisees led Israel astray - and how those same "blind guides," through their
doctrinal manifesto, the Talmud, continue to prejudice Jews against
Christ and Christianity. Condensing 14 years research in Jewish sources, this
unprecedented work demonstrates that Jewish opposition to the gospel, far from
being over with in the book of Acts, continues today in movies, television,
Jewish "civil liberties" groups and in "anti-missionary" laws in Israel.
Israel: Our Duty ... Our Dilemma is
lively and easy to read, yet contains a wealth of documented information about
the inner teachings of Judaism and outward power in the world. It also provides
many breakthroughs in our understanding of Bible prophecy, as well as explaining
the only workable, Biblical solution to strife in the war-torn Middle East.
This is a book every Christian
should read!
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