If you can't guess the people I have in mind, I'll give
you some clues clues found in a major world religion that is many centuries
old. I'll call it Religion X. Religion X traces its roots back to the
First Couple, Adam and Eve. They were on earth before any other form of worship
before Islam (appearing 14 centuries ago), before Hinduism or Buddhism
(appearing 25 centuries ago), before even the worship of various gods in
Mesopotamia (60 centuries ago).
Early on, Religion X'ers were told by their God:
your neighbor and even the stranger who dwells among you as much as you love
yourself." But it wasn't long before Religion X began rebelling against the laws
of the One who had blessed and preserved it so much. In response God warned:
"All those who hate me love death." After centuries of hating their God
(which predictably led to hatred of fellow humans, God's creations), Religion
X'ers were allowed by God to be conquered and transported to ancient Babylon
where they experienced a 1,600-year-long "vacation."
If you haven't guessed yet, the religion I'm describing is
Judaism, the religion of my people. But don't stop reading. The most
shocking stuff is just ahead! While in Babylon, the "wise men" among our people
began formulating new laws which supposedly supplemented and explained the
time-tested Old Testament writings. But the new rules actually contradicted and
eventually replaced the original laws! The "new and improved" laws are
collectively known as the Talmud. Even though rabbis are Talmudic experts,
probably not one Jew in a thousand (and not one non-Jew in ten thousand) knows
what is in the Talmud.
Without further delay, here's some of the Talmud's
"wisdom" (plus sources):
Hyenas turn into bats after seven years, and later on
turn into thorns and demons (Baba Kamma, 16a).
Being naked in front of a lamp causes epilepsy (Pesahim,
There's medicinal value in dirt found in an
outhouse's shadow, also in a white dog's excrement (Gittin, 69a, b).
The birth of a girl is an unhappy event (Baba Bathra,
It is never good to talk too much to women including
one's own wife (Aboth, 1.5).
All women are "temperamentally light-headed" (Kiddushin,
It is okay to divorce your wife if she spoils your
food, or if you find a more beautiful woman (Gittin, 91a).
It is lawful for a girl three years old to have
sexual intercourse (Abodah Zarah, 37a; Kethuboth, 11b, 39a; Sanhedrin, 55b,
69a, b; Yebamoth, 12a, 57b, 58a, 60b).
When a man commits sodomy with a boy under nine years
of age, it "is not deemed as pederasty" (Sanhedrin, 54b, 55a).
Sexual intercourse with a boy under the age of eight
is lawful since it isn't fornication (Sanhedrin, 69b). (In other words,
Religion X became X-rated! Is it any wonder that many Jewish persons
today are liberally involved with the current sexual revolution and are even
favorable towards legalization of adult-child
Since all Gentiles are only animals, all Gentile
children are bastards (Yebamoth, 98a).
When a non-Jew robs a Jew, he has to pay him back,
but if a Jew robs a non-Jew, he doesn't have to pay him back. Moreover, when
a Gentile kills a Jew, the Gentile must be killed, but when a Jew
kills a Gentile, "there is no death penalty" (Sanhedrin, 57a).
It is okay to "use subterfuges" in a court of law in
order to cheat a non-Jew (Baba Kamma, 113a).
Jesus was born a bastard (Jewish Encyclopedia,
"Jesus"; Yebamoth, 49b).
Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a whore and "played
the harlot with carpenters" (Sanhedrin, 106a, b).
Jesus "practiced sorcery and enticed Israel to
apostasy" (Sanhedrin, 43a).
Jesus was punished and sent to Hell where he ended up
in "boiling hot excrement" (Gittin, 56b, 57a).
Christians will go to Hell "and be punished there for
all generations" (Rosh Hashanah, 17a).
Those who read "the works of the Judeo-Christians,
i.e., the New Testament" will end up in Hell (Sanhedrin, 90a).
The books of the Christians "may not be saved from a
fire, but they must be burnt in their place, they and the Divine Names
occurring in them" (Shabbath, 116a). (Now you know what's been inspiring
many of the anti-Christian attitudes and actions these days.)
By roughly 500 A.D. Jewish scribes had completed the
voluminous Talmud, the written version of what had long been the Jews' oral
tradition the tradition that Jesus condemns in the 23rd chapter of
Matthew and other parts of the New Testament. Whenever anyone claims that for
1500 years the Talmud needlessly aggravated Gentiles (who in turn put Jews into
ghettos), Jews can look at even earlier history and claim that the "anti-Jewishness"
of the New Testament forced Jews to hit back with their printed version of the
Talmud. Actually the New Testament, like a newspaper, merely reflects the true
condition of Judaism at that time. If someone could prove that damaging
descriptions of Jews never appeared before the New Testament, that would
be one thing. But during many centuries prior to Jesus or any Christians, Jews
were saying and doing the same things that we find them still saying and doing
during New Testament days!
If the New Testament record of their words and works is
"anti-Semitic," is the Old Testament record of the same rebelliousness
just as "anti-Semitic"? The God that inspired the Old Testament is the same
God responsible for the New Testament.
A while ago I was talking with a young woman
in Los Angeles who is training to become a rabbi. I asked her about
the Talmud. "Oh," she said, "I don't think it's as relevant as it once was."
When I told her that the "hate" movie "The Last Temptation of Christ" was an
amazingly accurate reflection of the Talmud and that more such "hate" films
are in the works because Hollywood takes the Talmud seriously she had no
In the future when "hate" laws are passed, will the
incredibly hate-filled Talmud and some hate-promoting film studios be swept
under the rug?
You know what? I found out that some of the
past leaders of my people lied when it came to science, women, children,
non-Jews, and Christianity and its leader. I found out that Jesus is the only
Messiah and Saviour for everyone on earth. I found out a lot when I prayed to
Jesus and said, "If you really are who you say you are in the New
Testament, please reveal yourself to me and I will follow and trust you
forever." Guess what. He did and I have been. Sure there are cheap
imitations of the real thing (anything of value is counterfeited), but once you
really connect with Jesus, you'll know everything you need to know about
salvation your own salvation! Not only is genuine
salvation free, it makes a
person free!
Feel free to reproduce and distribute this
piece of non-hate literature!
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