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RLJ-1974 -- AUGUST 4, 2024

Part 71: The Last Passover

Jesus left Jerusalem on Monday night of the Passover Week and stayed in the house of a former leper. During the evening meal, a woman came with an alabaster box and poured an expensive liquid on His head. This act of love greatly upset the apostles because they considered it a waste of money. Judas had already met with the religious leadership and agreed to betray the God-man for $265 in silver. Tuesday was the Passover and Jesus ate the meal with the apostles in the upper room of a supporter. The ritualistic meal dated back two millennia when the pre-incarnated Jesus instituted it with Moses prior to the exodus from Egypt. The Creator expressing His yearning to take part in this final ritual with the apostles said, “With desire I have desired to eat this passover with you.” It was eaten under the auspices of the First Covenant and Jesus converted it into what would become known as Communion.
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All Scripture references are taken from the King James Bible.
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