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The United States of America has witnessed turbulent events in the past; however, it seems that the situation continues to get worse as time progresses. The saying, “Time heals all wounds,” is not true as the fires of unrest are being stoked by human saboteurs. America is simultaneously under a spiritual attack by the Devil and his forces. The Democratic Party is now firmly under the control of Satan based upon the words of Jesus:

“Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” (Matthew 7:20)

Since the 1950s, the Democratic Party has pushed for the following:

  • Removing bible reading and prayer from public schools.

  • Eradicating plaques displaying the Ten Commandments on public buildings.

  • Crafting laws that legalize abortions.

  • Pushing for homosexual marriages.

  • Demanding that parents have no right to know if their child is seeking a gender change.

  • Allowing explicit textbooks to be used in public schools that promote sexual activities.

  • Homosexuality as a completely normal behavior.

  • Libraries to allow drag queens to share their stories with children.

They have been pushing hard for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in work places, colleges, universities, and the military. When a person seeks a job, qualification is not as important diversity, equity, and inclusion. This means there must be a certain percentage of colored people, homosexuals, transgender, and women in each organization. Thus, ivy league universities like Yale, Harvard, Princeton, etc. must reserve spots for these types of minorities. Unfortunately, this means that unqualified people are prioritized over deserving people that are skilled and educated. This has led to disasters such as with The Boeing Company manufacturing faulty 757 MAX airplanes that crash, killing hundreds of people, all because they were forced to follow the disastrous DEI program. What we have in effect is a form of reverse discrimination where Asian and white students are denied access to prestigious universities because they have been filled by undeserving and unqualified DEI students. A Satanic blanket of lies has covered the United States where truth has become a lie.

“And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.” (Isaiah 59:14)


Has any other nation in history experienced a similar Satanic blanket over it? Yes. Nazi Germany is a prime example. Adolf Hitler was not the founder of the Nazi party. Its roots began in the city of Berlin in 1912, when Theodor Fritsch (1852-1933) started the Germanenorden (Germanic or Teutonic Order), an occultist and nationalistic secret society.[1] An occultist engages in magic, astrology, alchemy, séances, or other activity, claiming the use of secret knowledge or supernatural powers or agencies. Nationalism is an identification with one's own nation and support for its interests to the exclusion of other nations. Hindsight reveals that Nazi Germany was the combination of these two pursuits.

Fritsch was a well-known occultist, and together with a number of other such men, he initiated a secret order to pursue their quest into the supernatural. Hermann Pohl became the first leader, but then the order split apart in 1916 and Eberhard von Brockhousen became its Grand Master of the loyalist faction. Pohl went on to form an offshoot called the Germanenorden Walvater of the Holy Grail. Rudolf von Sebottendorff, a freemason, joined the new organization. Sebottendorff was an intelligence agent for the German government, writer, and a political activist. The order numbered about 100 members in 1917, but recruitment by Sebottendorff boosted the membership to its peak of 1,500 just a year later.

The Munich lodge of the Germanenorden Walvater was formally dedicated on August 18, 1918 under the cover name of the Thule Society. It was a masonic sponsored organization managed by British and American Freemasonry, which in turn was controlled by the Illuminati, which was controlled by the Kabbalistic world government.

The first world war was fomented by agents of the world government with the goal of breaking up the Ottoman Empire and setting up Palestine as a British mandate so that it could be prepared for the future political state of Israel which came into existence in 1948. As one of the losers, Germany was also stripped of its colonies in Africa and they were given to Great Britain.

The leadership of the Thule Society organized a political party called Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (DAP) or the German Workers’ Party.[2]


Adolf Hitler was born in the Austria in 1889.[3] The country has always utilized German as its primary language, and with its neighbor Germany, the two countries were viewed by Europeans as two German speaking nations. Hitler possessed a basic education and held low paying jobs in Vienna. After receiving an inheritance from his father, he moved to Munich in 1913 to avoid being drafted into the Austrian army. He was arrested by the Bavarian police, a state in the German federation, and sent back to Austria. He failed the physical exam in Austria and returned to Bavaria in the spring of 1914.

World War I started on July 28, 1914, and Hitler decided to enlist in the Bavarian army even though he was an Austrian citizen and had previously failed the medical induction for the Austro-Hungarian army. For some reason he was accepted and the Bavarian regiment he served in was integrated into the German federal army and his unit was posted to France and Belgium. Regardless of Hitler’s reputation as a terrible human being, he was nevertheless involved in heavy combat and commended for his bravery. The regiment left Bavaria with 3,600 men and returned at the end of the war with only 611 soldiers and officers. There were only forty-two survivors from the company to which Hitler was assigned out of 250 men. Hitler was awarded with the Iron Cross Second Class in 1914 and the Iron Cross First Class in 1918 for his courage.

Adolf Hitler (WWI) Anton Drexler

In June 1919, Hitler was recruited as an undercover agent of the army and eventually assigned to influence other soldiers and investigate the German Workers’ Party (DAP). As he started to attend their meetings, Anton Drexler, one of the leaders, noticed Hitler’s skill in public speaking and invited him to join the DAP. Hitler contacted Captain Karl Mayr, his handler in the German counter intelligence department and told him about the offer. He was given clearance to join since this would give him access to the inner working of the DAP and Hitler became a member three months after becoming an undercover agent.

Hitler was paid twenty gold marks a month by the German Army as an infiltrator, but he double-crossed them and simultaneously worked to take possession of the DAP and became its leader. The German Workers’ Party at this time set forth a nationalistic, anti-Semitic, and anti-Marxist platform. Hitler became the main speaker for DAP and he convinced the leadership that propaganda was the way to make their platform known to the German people. The party’s name was changed on February 24, 1920 to the Deutsche Nationalsozialistische Arbeiterpartei (German National Socialist Workers’ Party) that eventually came to be known by the infamous nickname – Nazis!

It is important to note that the Nazis were financed by the German Industrial Complex, which poured millions of marks into the party. American corporations like Ford, General Motors, and Chevron likewise invested millions of dollars and built auto factories and refineries in Germany. The Nazis came to power because they were useful to the world government, and once Hitler had served his purpose, the nation was cast aside and reduced to rubble.


Germany was a defeated nation after the WWI. Emperor William II had been forced to abdicate by a coup two days before the war ended in 1918. He fled to Holland and lived there in exile until his death in 1941. Germany became known as the Weimar Republic, which lasted from 1918 to 1933. The American stock market speculation ended in 1929 with a crash that triggered the Great Depression. It spread to the rest of the world like a virus and destroyed the fragile economy of Germany. Millions of workers lost their jobs, several banks collapsed, and the country was inundated with severe inflation. It was in this vacuum that Hitler and his small Nazi party were presented with a golden political opportunity. They started to rise in power with the promise to overturn the hated Versailles Treaty from WWI, strengthen the economy, and provide jobs.

The 1930 German elections saw Hitler and his Nazi party receive 19% of the votes to become the second largest party of the nation. Speeches were tailored to address the people specifically affected by the economic depression. The Nazis captured 37.3 % of the votes two years later and became the largest political party in Germany. Due to political maneuvering, Hitler was reluctantly appointed Reich Chancellor (Prime Minister) by President Paul von Hindenburg on January 30, 1933.

On February 27, 1933 a Nazi commando group set the Reichstag (capital building) on fire and the building was severely damaged. The police blamed the fire on a Dutch communist named Marinus van der Lubbe, who was promptly arrested, tried, and executed. Hitler used this act of sabotage to press President Hindenburg into signing the Reichstag Fire Decree which suspended basic rights and allowed indefinite detention. These “emergency measures” allowed Hitler to oppress the German Communist Party and four thousand of its members were arrested. The election in March saw another jump in votes for the Nazis as their share of the vote increased to 43.9%.

Adolft Hitler Paul von Hindenberg Marinus van der Lubbe
Reichstag on fire

That same month, the elected members of the Reichstag proposed an enabling act that granted all legislative powers to Hitler’s cabinet. Adolf Hitler had effectively laid the foundation to become the sole ruler of Germany.

On March 21, 1933 the new Reichstag was constituted, overseen by President Hindenburg, who represented the German military. Hitler now ruled Germany with the temporary “Enabling Act” and he wanted to make it permanent which would take a two-thirds majority vote in the Reichstag. Hitler moved on the communist party and arrested all 81 communist members of the Reichstag with no opposition from Hindenburg. Two days later the Reichstag assembled and a vote was taken to legalize the Enabling Act. The vote was 444 yes and 94 no votes. Hitler had transformed Germany into a de facto legal dictatorship, without firing a shot!


Hitler and his leadership moved quickly and the Social Democratic Party was declared illegal and its assets were seized. All trade unions in the month of May were ordered to dissolve and its leaders were arrested. Some of them were sent to concentration camps without proper legal court procedure. Hitler and his cabinet launched The German Labor Front, a Nazi-controlled replacement organization to represent the private industry workers, state workers, and the owners of factories. Hitler termed it the “people’s community.”

By June of 1933, with the exception of the Nazis, all political parties were declared illegal. This was the proverbial nail in the coffin for the Weimar Republic as Germany was firmly under the control of a Nazi dictatorship. Hitler had successfully transformed himself from an elected member of the Reichstag to the supreme leader of Germany in a relatively short amount of time. He had become the Fuhrer!

With political parties and trade unions dissolved, all media outlets were put under the control of the Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda or Ministry of Propaganda. This new department was overseen by Joseph Goebbels, who would release biased or misleading information that was used to promote the Nazi point of view.[4] He would go on to hold the post until his suicide on May 1, 1945. The ministry of propaganda had two thousand full-time employees that were vital for acquiring power and implementing Nazi policy.

In the early days in 1921, there was an organization created called Sturmabteilung (SA) under the leadership of Ernst Röhm. It became the Nazi party’s military wing for the next 12 years. The “Brown Shirts” participated in street battles with the communists, forces of rival political parties, and raised hell in an effort to destabilize Germany. Their favorite targets were vandalizing and burning Jewish synagogues. Any unfortunate Jew caught in the area was severely beaten. The Jews numbered just 505,000 among the country’s 66 million. The SA at its peak had some 4.2 million members representing about 6% of the population.

Ernst Röhm Heinrich Himmler

The Nazi party was officially against homosexuality and took a hard stand against it. Hitler’s long friendship with Röhm meant that he was aware Röhm was a homosexual and that he was using his position to procure young men. He looked the other way until Röhm’s ambitions began to create strife with the military, who believed the Reichswehr (German army) should be merged with the SA and be put under his command.

Hitler formed another para-military organization called the Schutzstaffel (SS) in 1925 to offset the power of Röhm’s SA with Heinrich Himmler as its leader. In 1933, Hitler ordered the SS to arrest Ernst Röhm and kill the other officers of the SA. The codename for this operation was Night of the Long Knives. The man who had been a faithful supporter was denounced and later shot in a jail cell. It is estimated that up to a thousand SA men were murdered and another thousand were arrested. Hitler did not dissolve the SA, but kept them as an auxiliary force.

Gregor Strasser Franz von Papen

The purge was not limited to the SA as Hitler used the event to get rid of old enemies. Former chancellor Kurt von Schleicher was murdered at home. Vice-Chancellor Franz von Papen was arrested for his criticism of the Nazis, and although removed from power, he still proved to be an asset to Hitler in Austria with its annexation in 1938. Gregor Strasser had played a huge role in organizing the Nazi party, but then resigned in 1932, and he was vengefully sought out and killed. There were a number of other people from the early days of the Nazi party who were also arrested and shot. Hitler was cleaning house and made sure that there was no competition for his role as the sole leader of the Nazi party and Germany. The mass arrests and murders created shock in other nations, but the propaganda in Germany was that Hitler was restoring law and order.

The day came when President Hindenburg died on August 2, 1934. Hitler had prepared for this eventuality and the day before the president died, Hitler’s cabinet enacted “The Law Concerning the Head of State of the German Reich,” which stated the office of president would be abolished upon Hindenburg’s death and its power merged with the office of chancellor. Hitler now had the titles of Fuhrer and Reichskanzler. The power grab was complete as Hitler became synonymous with the German state and vice versa.


It was Joseph Goebbels who was instrumental in using the Ministry of Propaganda to brainwash the population. Without him, Hitler would never have been able to unify the people to support his policies. As I stated previously, there were some two thousand people working under Goebbels.  There were five departments initially in 1933. A reorganization saw it grow to seven departments:

  1. Department I (Administration and Law)

  2. Department II (Propaganda)

  3. Department III (Broadcasting)

  4. Department IV (Press)

  5. Department V (Film)

  6. Department VI (Theater, Music, and Art)

  7. Department VII (Security)

The goal at first was to control German press, foreign press, and periodical press. Then the reach was expanded to include budget, law, propaganda, broadcasting, film, personnel, national defense, foreign affairs, theater, music, literature, and visual arts. The last inclusion was tourism.

There was no such thing as television in 1933; the mainstream media consisted of radio, motion pictures, newspapers, and magazines. Newspapers were popular and most families subscribed to them and a weekly magazine like Berliner Illustirte Zeitung (BIZ), which was similar to Life in the United States. The goal for the various department of the Ministry of Propaganda was to control the flow of information within Germany.

Goebbels correctly recognized that film was a modern and far-reaching means of influencing the masses. He would go on to use the movie industry to produce more than a thousand movies which glorified Germany, the Nazis, Hitler, and the armed forces. In July 1934 Goebbels used his political power to force all independent radio stations to become part of the Reichs-Rundfunk-Gesellschaft (Reich Broadcasting Company). He also forced radio manufacturers to produce cheap radios for home use, so that some ten million sets had been sold by 1938, effectively giving Hitler access to every home. Loudspeakers were installed in the public areas of cities and villages, factories, and schools in order to blanket the nation with speeches and information from the Nazi government. When war started on September 1, 1939, Goebbels issued a decree that it was illegal for Germans to listen to any foreign radio broadcast. Anyone caught sharing information from such a source with others would be executed.


After consolidating the radio stations in Germany, Goebbels turned his attention on the churches. Hitler had signed a treaty with the Vatican in 1933 that became known as Reichskonkordat (Reich Concordat).[5] The Nazis agreed to honor the independence of the Roman Catholic institutions, but it also restricted its priests from any involvement in state politics. Covenants meant nothing to Hitler, and for a year beginning in 1935, the justice system was weaponized to arrest hundreds of priests, monks and nuns on false charges such as currency smuggling and pedophilia. In national radio speeches, Hitler coined the term Kirchenkampf (church struggle), and from time to time, made inflammatory remarks about the Roman Catholic Church, and Goebbels would then step up his attack on all those who identified as “Christian.”

Pope Pius XI submitted a response to the Nazis through an official encyclical (circular letter to local churches) entitled Mit Brennender Sorge (With Burning Anxiety). The letter was smuggled into Nazi Germany and read throughout the Catholic churches on Palm Sunday, March 21, 1937. The letter denounced the Nazi regime’s violations of the Concordat, its exaltation of the Germanic race and the State, and the rhetoric against the bible, Catholic schools, priests, and parents.

Goebbels waited two months to respond until he was the speaker at a Nazi rally in Berlin. The speech was broadcast live on the radio with some 20,000 party members in attendance where he attacked the moral corruption of the Roman Catholic Church. This announcement scared German Catholics and they began to remove their children from parochial schools. By 1939, Hitler ordered the Catholic schools closed. The ensuing arrests and trials of priests on false charges had a chilling effect of the leadership of the Catholic church in Germany. Their voices were silenced out of fear of arrest and imprisonment.


There were no independent Catholic churches; instead all of them were controlled from the Vatican in Rome. The population in Germany in 1933 numbered 66 million. Almost every German at that time claimed to have a Christian faith and the Roman Catholic Church boasted a membership of some 20 million with the Protestants numbering about 40 million.

The Nazi party addressed religious freedom as one of its platform policies. Most Christian Germans accepted the Nazis as safeguarding the church despite the inclusion of an anti-Semitic statement.

We demand the freedom of all religious confessions in the state, insofar as they do not jeopardize the state's existence or conflict with the manners and moral sentiments of the Germanic race. The Party as such upholds the point of view of a positive Christianity without tying itself confessionally to any one confession. It combats the Jewish-materialistic spirit at home and abroad and is convinced that a permanent recovery of our people can only be achieved from within on the basis of the common good before individual good.[6]

-- Article 24, 1920 Nazi Party Platform

The largest Protestant denomination in the 1930s was the German Evangelical Church. It was divided into 28 districts, with each district having a number of local churches. There were also a small number of Baptist, Pentecostal and Mennonite churches. Then there were the cults like the Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Most of the Protestant pastors more or less tried to survive and there was no organized resistance to the Nazi party. Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) and Martin Niemöller (1892-1984) were such men that openly resisted Hitler and his policies.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer Martin Niemöller

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was arrested April 5, 1943 and kept in prison until April 4, 1945, when Hitler singled him out for death because of his hate for the pastor, wanting to ensure that Bonhoeffer did not survive to live in post-war Germany. A sham trial was held on April 8 and early the next morning Bonhoeffer was stripped naked and hung. Hitler’s time on earth came to end shortly thereafter with his suicide on April 30 and Nazi Germany surrendered on May 7, 1945.

Martin Niemöller was arrested on July 1, 1937 and tried by a special court in 1938 and sentenced to seven-months of jail. However, since he had been detained longer than that prior to the trial, he was subsequently released by the court. The Gestapo functioned as the secret police with the power to arrest political opponents, clergy, criminals, the handicapped, homosexuals, and Jews. Those arrested were often held without due process and became political prisoners. This was the fate of Niemöller as he was immediately apprehended by the Gestapo and interned at the Sachsenhausen and Dachau concentration camps until 1945 when he was set free. Niemöller originally embraced the Nazi policies, but he became an outspoken critic as he learned more about the régime’s hatred of Jews, Polish, Serbians, Russians, and other Slavs. Here is a statement that he coined:

First, they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.[7]

There was no organized resistance from the mainline Protestant churches. Instead, Hitler ordered the support of the Protestant churches and a group of Protestants sought to blend Christianity with Nazism into a movement that would exclude everyone deemed impure.[8] Hitler proposed that all Protestant churches merge into a national church that was led by Pastor Ludwig Muller, who was also a Nazi party member. This was supposed to be ideal for all parties since the churches could function as normal while showing their support for Hitler. This proposal was voted on by church members in July of 1933 and two-thirds approved the merger. Muller was installed as the Reichsbischof (Bishop of the Reich) of the National Church, fully committed to the doctrines of Nazism over that of Christianity.

There were other Protestants who opposed the National Church and formed the Confessing Church in response. They claimed that anyone baptized into the Lutheran church – regardless of race – was a Christian and resisted changes to German Bibles by the National Church. Some 7,000 Lutheran pastors openly supported the Confessing Church, while some 9,500 Lutheran pastors championed the National Church that eventually became known as the “brown church” in reference to SA Stormtroopers, who were known for their “brown shirts.” The Confessing Church did not take a strong stand against Hitler; instead, they tried to deflect Nazi doctrine from taking a root in the churches.

In time, German Christians from all walks of life became indoctrinated by the massive propaganda machine built by Goebbels and they turned out to be loyal soldiers who carried out the orders of Hitler. They happily participated in the attacks on France, Holland and Belgium in 1939 and Denmark and Norway in 1940. There were Christians in the army, navy, and air force who had no qualms about becoming aggressors and killing the enemy soldiers defending their homelands. These men unwittingly marched to their deaths when Germany attacked the Soviet Union in 1941. Satan used Joseph Goebbels to change Germany from a strong Christian nation into fanatical soldiers of Hitler. Most of these brainwashed men had no problem with the persecution, arrests, and placement of German Jews into the infamous concentration camps.


Hitler and the hierarchy of the Nazi party understood the importance of capturing the minds of boys ages ten through eighteen. This is why they founded Hitlerjugend (Hitler Youth) in 1936.[9] Impressionable boys embraced the propaganda and laid the foundation for a new generation of Nazi recruits. Membership in the organization numbered over five million by the end the year. By 1940, its numbers had risen to eight million.[10] The scouting activities changed when Germany started World War 2 by attacking Poland in 1939. The program shifted from camping, hiking, and sports to a military boot camp in which the boys were taught to use weapons and survival as soldiers. The girls were used to start drives to raise winter clothing and other items for the German soldiers fighting the Soviet army.

Nazi Germany had lost millions of soldiers by late 1944 and the decision was made to utilize the Hitler Youth, resulting in boys a young as fifteen being sent to the western front to fight the American/British forces. American soldiers reported these young boys were fanatical and willing to give their lives for Hitler. These boy soldiers refused to surrender and the American/British soldiers had no choice but to kill them.

Hitler Youth

The Nazi party used the Hitler Youth organization to remove boys from the influence of their parents and mold them into fanatics who were willing to snitch on their family if they spoke ill of Hitler and the party. There were many cases when these young Nazis denounced their parents in court and happily watched their mother and father led away in shackles.


As previously stated, Adolf Hitler was not the founder of the Thule Society that morphed into the Nazi party. There was a hidden cabal from the occult, banking, industry, politics and military in the mix. Within the United States today, this is known as the “military industrial complex.” Hitler and his staff were directed how to set up a totalitarian regime and the educational system was the lynchpin. The public school system and universities shaped the thinking students as they grew to adulthood. Hitler ordered all curriculum to be re-written in 1933 to promote the teaching of the Nazi party and all teachers were required to attend indoctrination seminars.[11]

Yet Goebbels and the Propaganda Ministry realized there was one area they did not want to change and that was the fundamentals of mathematics, chemistry, physics, etc. They needed skilled people to keep the German industrial complex functioning. Biology was modified to include “race science” and geography was modified into “geopolitics” to incorporate the geographical influence in international relations between nations.

Knowing that war was coming in the future, Hitler had drawn up plans to conquer Europe and the Soviet Union, and physical education became important. These classes looked more like basic military training and all children were forced to attend youth labor services. The Nazification was complete by the time Hitler attacked Poland in 1939.


The National Political Institutes of Education (NAPOLA) boarding schools came into existence in 1933 with the intent to educate future leaders who would go on to serve in political, administrative, and military capacities.[12] The goal was to educate students in the Nazi doctrine, who then could be put to work in local, state, and national administration offices. Students were also recruited to become officers in the Wehrmacht (army, navy, and air force) and the Waffen SS (the combat branch of the Schutzstaffel (SS)). The Nazi educators wanted to mold NAPOLA after the British schools of Eton and Harrow, whose students went on to become the political leaders.


The Adolf Hitler Schools came into existence in 1939 under the auspice of the Schutzstaffel (SS) with twelve campuses scattered throughout Germany.[13] They were designated for teenagers 14-18 years old with three sites for girls and nine sites for boys. Parents could not send their children to these schools; instead, the SS had a special department whereby racially pure students (no Jews or Negroes) were selected for their political dedication to the Nazi party.

The emphasis on physical fitness was more important than the academic background. Students were sent to a special camp for a two week “boot camp” to weed out any students that did not meet the standards of the program. The staff sought leadership qualities, conducted medical exams, and oversaw competitions to test their strength, toughness, and loyalty to the Nazi party. Those who did not measure up were sent back to public schools. Outstanding students were recruited by the SS to become future officers. 


The world government handlers behind Hitler and the Nazi party knew that education is crucial for a nation morphing into a dictatorship. From 1933 to 1945, the Nazis began the indoctrination of children from the earliest age. The goal was to eradicate the Bible and the Christian faith, replacing it with the religion of the Nazi party. The brainwashing was so successful that the people by and large supported Hitler to the bitter end. The German people were told a lie, believed the lie, and died for the lie!


For thousands of years ruthless kings and dictators used cumbersome systems to gather data on the population for taxation purposes and to draft young men into military service. It required a lot of manpower to count people, generate paper files, and then store them. The breakthrough came in 1884 when an American Census Bureau employee named Herman Hollerith devised a tabulating machine. It was an electromechanical machine designed to assist in the summarizing of information stored on punch cards.[14] Later models were widely used for business applications such as accounting and inventory control. It spawned a class of machines, known as unit record equipment, and the data processing industry. By 1890, a number of American companies had purchased Hollerith’s machines.

The tabulating system was built on cards that were punched in a certain order, and when processed through the machine by electric motors, it would tabulate the data. Hollerith wanted to make certain no one made a copy of his machine, and instead of selling them, corporations had to lease them. During the 1890s, he traveled to Europe and obtained leasing contracts with the governments of Russia, Italy, England, France, Austria, and Germany. A German businessman named Willy Heidinger purchased licenses from Hollerith and he started Dehomag in 1910.[15] Using skilled German engineering and labor, the tabulating machines were improved.

Dehomag Tabulator D11

Hollerith retired in 1911 and sold the company; the name was changed to Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (CTR), which acquired a 90% stake of Dehomag in 1923. A year later CTR was renamed International Business Machines (IBM) and the name of Dehomag was kept in Germany for political reasons, but run from the United States. Dehomag continued to lease and maintain the tabulation machines from 1924 to 1933, allowing the Weimar government to compile data on every citizen for their census system. In time, the data grew not only to contain tax information, but also military draft and medical records from hospitals, as well as information about teachers and students.

When Hitler came into power in 1933, the Nazis assumed control over the government tabulation system and new laws were instituted that required everyone to register their race; this is how the Jews were identified for future harassment and death. Hitler was so pleased with the tabulation system that he bestowed the Order of Merit of the German Eagle medal on Thomas Watson, Sr., the chairman of IBM, when he visited Berlin in 1937.

When Germany attacked Poland in 1939, IBM established a special subsidiary for the newly occupied territory – Watson Business Machines. This new company was responsible for German railway traffic, which included transportation of Jews to the concentration camps. When the United States entered the war on November 8, 1941 the profits from Dehomag could no longer be sent via regular banks to the United States. The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Switzerland was activated to hold the profits of the German division of the company.

What has been hidden from the American public is that Watson Business Machines set up a punch card factory close to the Warsaw Ghetto in Poland. Workers involved in the transportation of Jews to the death camps of Auschwitz and Treblinka testified after the war that the punch card machines in the camps were manufactured in America. When Jews, Nazi dissidents, and Gypsies were to be rounded up and arrested, the local police were provided with names and addresses beforehand. Some were taken to holding centers before they were shipped off to labor camps. The elderly, sick, and children were sent directly to the death camps for extermination. All this human suffering was made possible due to the tabulating machines of the International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation.


The German population had risen to 79.4 million by 1939. The country was the most advanced industrial nation, featured the best educated population from the universities, and Germans enjoyed a universal health care system. How could a nation be transformed in the Nazi state in just seven years? The answer lies in the state control exercised over media and education, the constant propaganda, and the absence of a vibrant Christian community. Governmental employees could access the national data center and arrest any person who voiced opposition while encouraging people to snitch upon one another made it easy for the Nazis to suppress and control the population.

The satanic blanket employed by the Nazis choked the people into blind obedience to Hitler, leading to the destruction of the German nation in 1945. Cities lay in ruins and some 8.8 million Germans were dead. The postwar nation was divided into four zones: American, British, French and Soviet. In a few years, the three western zones were united to form the West German nation, but it would not be until 1989, when the Soviet section was allowed to join the West and Germany was made whole again.


The United States is in the midst of an election year. Our nation has undergone a lot of changes since the end of World War 2. We do not have a man like Hitler in charge of our nation, but there are forces hidden to the public that are pushing the nation into chaos. Public education has been taken over by humanism. The Theory of Evolution is taught as fact while prayer and Bible reading no longer exist. Sexual education is being introduced to young students and textbooks promote homosexuality, transgenderism, masturbation, and fornication is normal for children and teenagers. Teachers are also mandated in some states to help solve gender confusion. If a child comes to them with questions about their gender, the child will be turned over to counselors who will help that child to transition. Parents are not to be kept in the dark about the matter.

Condoms are placed in locker rooms and bathrooms so that students can have safe sex. Young pregnant women are quietly taken to abortion mills to have their babies murdered.

There are fraternities in colleges and universities where young men and women are initiated with satanic oaths, encouraged to drink alcohol, and partake in premarital sex. In this way most college students are introduced to debauchery and encouraged to live a sinful lifestyle.

The Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) mentioned earlier has permeated the work places of our nation and obtaining a job is now based on race and gender.

There is no dictatorial propaganda department, but the media is controlled by a hidden entity that squashes any person not going with the flow.

Social media is used to control politics and the Democratic Party is using propaganda to gaslight the public.[16] There is brainwashing emanating from the mainstream media, the government, and the Democrats that far exceeds what Joseph Goebbels accomplished in Nazi Germany.

The American people are self-destructing without a political dictator. Alcohol and drugs kill thousands each year and crime is rampant. Millions of Americans are homeless and living on the streets. This can be wrapped up in one simple point: America is committing suicide.

Adolf Hitler had a state-of-the-art data system to control the German population, but his tabulating machines were antiquated compared to what exists today.


Controlling each person living in the United States requires an identification system. This was tasked to an agency known as the Social Security Administration (SSA) that came into being in 1935 under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The federal government assured Americans the system would never be used for identification purposes; it was only supposed to track how much money citizens made in their lifetime and calculate Social Security benefits accordingly.

I signed up for Social Security when I arrived in the United States as an immigrant in 1963 and my card also stated that it was not to be used for identification. That statement has been removed from the modern cards and now the Social Security Number (SSN) is tied to a person’s identity.

Early Social Security card that specifies "not for identification."

1. Tax Identification

The SSN is used by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to track income and ensure tax collection.

Parents or guardians need to provide SSNs for their children to claim them as dependents.

Employers and financial institutions report income to the IRS using an individual’s SSN.

2. Social Security Benefits

The SSN is tied to an individual's contributions to Social Security, determining their eligibility for retirement, disability, and survivor benefits.

Eligibility for Medicare is linked to Social Security contributions, making the SSN critical for such applications.

3. Employment

Employers require an SSN to verify work eligibility through the E-Verify system.

SSNs are used to track earnings and calculate tax withholdings from wages.

4. Credit and Financial Transactions

Financial institutions use SSNs to verify identity and run credit checks when opening accounts.

Lenders use the SSN to assess creditworthiness and to report to credit bureaus.

Credit reporting agencies use SSNs to track credit histories and generate credit scores.

5. Government Services

Some states request SSNs when issuing or renewing driver’s licenses, and the SSN may also be required when applying for a U.S. passport.

Programs like Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and food stamps require SSNs to verify eligibility.

When applying for federal student loans or grants, the SSN is used for identity verification and tracking.

6. Healthcare

Insurance providers may require an SSN for enrollment and processing claims.

Though less common now, some healthcare providers still request SSNs for administrative purposes.

7. Legal and Court-Related Matters

SSNs are used to track and enforce child support payments.

Courts and legal agencies may use SSNs in background checks for employment or legal cases.

8. Real Estate Transactions

Landlords and mortgage lenders may use SSNs to perform credit checks before approving leases or loans.

9. Identity Verification

SSNs are used to confirm identities for security and fraud prevention in many sectors, including banking and healthcare.

SSNs are required for background checks and security clearances.

10. Education

Some educational institutions request SSNs to maintain student records, particularly for tracking financial aid and tax information.

The use of a SSN is not limited to just the Social Security Administration, but it is also connected to the Internal Revenue Service, Federal Trade Commission, Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Education. Thus, every person living and working in the United States must be registered with the SSA to work, conduct banking, obtain a driver’s license, purchase a home or a car, get married, be admitted to a hospital, and fly on an airplane.


The largest tracking agency in the United States is the National Security Agency (NSA). It came into being in 1952 and is tasked with monitoring, collecting, and processing foreign intelligence and counterintelligence.[17] Most Americans are okay with such eavesdropping, but the agency also spies domestically as well. The evolution of computers has witnessed the NSA metamorphous into the behemoth it is today with 32,000 employees. After the September 11, 2001 attacks, the agency was given broader power to gather information from radio broadcasts, the internet, telephone calls, and any other public communication method.

The NSA intercepts and stores 1.7 billion emails and phone calls on a daily basis. Its PRISM program collects email, videos, photos, chats, and file transfers from tech companies like Google, YouTube, Microsoft, Skype, Facebook, and Apple under the supervision of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA). The agency also works with software companies to enable backdoors and bypass client/server and server/server encryption. Retail packages containing orders for routers, servers, and computers can be intercepted, allowing the NSA to install custom firmware that establishes a network bridge, permitting them to relay commands and collect data. They also hack computers, smartphones, and networks; a hacker is someone who explores methods for breaching defenses and exploiting weaknesses in a computer system or network.

Every phone call in the United States runs through the NSA computer system because it has a backdoor to the landline, mobile, and internet access providers. Therefore, it does not matter whether your phone call is placed through a landline, cell phone, or Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), everything falls under the intrusive ears of the NSA utilizing an algorithm to listen for certain keywords or phrases. If the computer picks up certain words indicating a crime, terror attack, possible murder plot, etc., that conversation is sent to a human agent for confirmation and investigation.

All searches on the Internet are recorded, and as we have witnessed in the past, when a mass shooter is caught or killed, the FBI will retrieve their electronic history. All email, even that of a private domain such as eaec.org resides on a server with a hosting company (Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, GoDaddy, HostGator, BlueHost, DreamHost, SiteGround), that utilizes an internet backbone company (Lumen Technologies, AT&T, Verizon, Zayo Group, Cogent Communications, Comcast, Google, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft, Sprint). Many of those companies are compromised. What if you were to use encrypted email? Well, even a privacy-oriented company like Proton Mail is suspect if the NSA were to specifically target an individual. Whistleblowers have revealed the agency possesses an arsenal of hacking tools used to manipulate firewalls to control a network and exploit the targeted computer.


The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was created in 1908 and employs 35,000 people.[18] It is old enough to have used the IBM tabulating machines until they were replaced with computers in the mid-1980s. It maintains laboratory services for police departments which can assist with fingerprint biometrics, forensics, etc. The FBI also maintains the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS), which as the name suggests, is an index of permissible DNA records input by federal, state, and local agencies and their respective forensic laboratories.[19]

The FBI also runs the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS), which is an automated fingerprint identification and criminal history system.[20] Employment background checks utilize IAFIS to determine whether the applicant has a record of criminal behavior for which their fingerprints would already be in the system. Fingerprints are also voluntarily submitted to the FBI by local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies from arrests or background checks. The FBI dutifully catalogs the fingerprints and criminal history of a subject.


The Bureau of Justice Statistics was founded in 1979 as a branch of the Department of Justice. It is responsible to collect, analyze, publish, and disseminate information on crime, criminal offenders, victims of crime, and the operation of justice systems at all levels of government.[21] This organization is benign now, but with the sheer amount of data collected, it can be powerful tool for control.


The International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) is an international police organization that seeks to facilitate cooperation with law enforcement of member countries. It launched the INTERPOL Facial Recognition System (IFRS) in 2016 with facial images received from its member countries to create a global criminal database.[22] Using biometric software, the system can identify a person by comparing and analyzing patterns, shapes and proportions of their facial features and contours. INTERPOL claims IFRS has identified several thousand terrorists, criminals, fugitives, persons of interest, and missing persons.


Facial recognition is the last step prior to the introduction of the infamous Mark of the Beast associated with the Antichrist.[23] China has developed this technology more than any other nation. Their facial recognition system logs most Chinese people on a daily basis because of the vast network of cameras in the cities and villages. A data leak in 2019 revealed more than 6.8 million pictures were taken in a single day from cameras positioned around hotels, parks, tourism spots, and mosques. The Chinese government is accused of using facial recognition to commit atrocities against Uyghur Muslims, relying on the technology to carry out the largest mass incarceration of a minority population in the world today.[24] Very Orwellian and China’s behavior is undoubtedly similar to what will take place in the future with the Beast system.


The number of cameras recording the public in the United States has grown significantly over the years, particularly with the rise of surveillance technologies, security systems, traffic cameras, and smartphones. It is estimated that there are currently around 50 to 70 million cameras recording public spaces. That number could rise above 100 million as cities adopt more advanced security and traffic management technologies.

You might not be aware of it, but it is very difficult to move around in society today without being recorded on municipal, traffic, and private cameras. Our government has the ability to view all these feeds and custom software can sift through this incredible amount of data. The rise of quantum computers will revolutionize facial recognition in terms of speed and efficiency, but classical computers will have to carry the load for the time being. There is no doubt the Beast system will make use of this technology to subjugate humanity so that no man can buy or sell without the mark of loyalty.

“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” (Revelation 13:16-17)


The United States government has the mother of all surveillance and control systems at its disposal. What I have described is something that Adolf Hitler could never have conceived in terms of scope and yet here it is.

  1. The entire population has been numbered via the Social Security Administration.

  2. The NSA monitors all public transmissions. All phone calls, email, videos, photos, chats, and file transfers are accessible to them.

  3. The FBI’s IAFIS stores the fingerprints of about 20-25% of Americans.

  4. The number of cameras recording the public rises each year and one would be hard pressed to move about without leaving a digital footprint.

Upon turning sixty-five years old in 2004, I began to receive a check in the mail every month. A few years later, I was notified that if I wanted to continue receiving the retirement benefit money, I would have to supply the SSA with a bank account for direct deposit since checks would no longer be physically printed and mailed. Presumably, this was done to cut down on fraud, but it also easy to see how such a decision could result in me being cut-off very quickly electronically.

When my mother passed away in 2005, she had already received her monthly retirement benefit via direct deposit. When I notified the SSA of her death, without explanation, they accessed her bank account the next day and withdrew the previous month’s benefit.

If our government suddenly went rogue and declared martial law, each citizen would lose access to his banking account. It is not difficult imagining America becoming just like Nazi Germany. Sweden has become a cashless society; all financial transactions are conducted electronically.

America can transition from a republic to a dictatorship with the stroke of a pen. The infrastructure is in place; it just needs to be implemented. Our nation is more polarized and divided than ever. If war were to break out, the nation will go under martial law!


Can these evil trends be reversed? There is only one force that can stop this run-away train and that is God Almighty. I know this sounds like a cliché, but it is the truth. When people begin to seek the Lord, it moves the heart of God. But the change must start with each individual.

Elijah was a man in Israel some 2,900 years ago. He was twenty-six years old when King Ahab began to rule. Ahab was an evil man and he built a temple to Baal. Three years later Elijah confronted the king over his evil lifestyle and declared there would be a drought over Israel because of the idolatry. (1Kings 17:1)

Three years later God told the prophet to see King Ahab again. (1 Kings 18:1-7)

Ironically, Ahab blamed Elijah for the drought. (verse 17)

Elijah unflinchingly reminded the king that he was the reason for the drought. (verse 18)

Elijah went on to challenge Ahab and all the prophets of Baal to a public fire-making contest on Mount Carmel. (verses 19-21)

Elijah stood alone against 450 Baal prophets. (verse 22)

The prophets of Baal made a lot of noise, but were unsuccessful in their endeavor. (verses 23-29)

Elijah repaired the broken stone altar of God and made a trench around it. He laid a dead bullock upon the altar and thoroughly doused the sacrifice and wood with water so that it filled the trench. (verses 30-35)

Elijah called on God in a simple, short prayer and everyone witnessed as fire fell from heaven. The supernatural fire consumed the sacrifice, wood, stones, and even evaporated the water in the trench. (verses 36-39)

Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit. (James 5:17-18)

What can we learn from this story? The modern-day prophets of Baal are the Democrats. They routinely worship Baal, Moloch and Ishtar. Donald Trump and the Republican Party cannot defeat the Democrats. This is a job solely for God’s people!

Elijah was just one man. We number much more than that. Let us repent and come boldly to the throne of grace. Ask the Lord to incinerate the Satanic blanket over America so that the Democratic candidates will be soundly defeated on November 5, 2024.

“And the LORD appeared to Solomon by night, and said unto him, I have heard thy prayer, and have chosen this place to myself for an house of sacrifice.

If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people;

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place.” (2 Chronicles 7:12-15)

God is waiting for our decision. Apathy will result in a victory for the Democrats. Only a willful decision to repent, pray, and fast has the power to change the course of American history.



[1] https://tinyurl.com/mrxn4zvm

[2] https://tinyurl.com/2yn3hnsn

[3] https://tinyurl.com/yhuu36c5

[4] https://tinyurl.com/2cjfa2ur

[5] A concordat is a convention between the Vatican and a sovereign state that defines the relationship between the Roman Catholic Church and that particular state in matters that concern both.

[6] https://tinyurl.com/fkyxxe28

[7] https://tinyurl.com/4k2wwvyv

[8] https://tinyurl.com/2s4c8u5s

[9] https://tinyurl.com/2zyhn23y

[10] https://tinyurl.com/ejwc526b

[11] https://tinyurl.com/44257s9k

[12] https://tinyurl.com/yp9u2uaf

[13] https://tinyurl.com/mv4mxs5x

[14] https://tinyurl.com/vtb9d8n6

[15] https://tinyurl.com/575v9pvf

[16] Gaslight: to psychologically manipulate (a person) usually over an extended period of time so that the victim questions the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and experiences confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, and doubts concerning their own emotional or mental stability.

[17] https://tinyurl.com/3xa2eny5

[18] https://tinyurl.com/yaymbz6c

[19] https://tinyurl.com/2hfyxcnr

[20] https://tinyurl.com/446e7hwt

[21] https://tinyurl.com/mrx3atrt

[22] https://tinyurl.com/ymjnre7c

[23] Revelation 13:16-18

[24] https://tinyurl.com/2v4d3a4p




From the Desk of John S. Torell





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